We had just landed in Abu Dhabi, I and Kevin had gotten married in the summer break of this year, we both wanted kids why hadnt been trying but I found out a couple of weeks ago that I was pregnant since Kevin had so busy preparing for the last race which meant I hadnt had time to time, I decided to wait till after the race. Kevin in a way hated when the season finished as he easily got bored after a couple of weeks of the winter break.
Abu Dhabi was extremely hot as always, I blamed my morning sickness on the heat, Kevin bought it as I had never dealt with the heat well, which is well in the last couple years I had missed it. Free practice on Friday went well for Kevin, he seemed content with the results, that evening we went out with the team for dinning then we returned to our hotel room and just chilled, Kevin was tired after racing in the extreme heat, it was nice to relax especially as it was a little bit cooler in the evening.
I woke up to see it was still dark, I felt Kevin's arms around me I looked at the alarm clock to see it was 5 am,I all of a sudden I felt the morning sickness, Kevin's arms were wrapped around me,I pulled his arms off me as gently, I ran into the bathroom to throw up, I sat on the bathroom floor ,I felt extremely ill,I always felt unwell when in Abu Dhabi, but this was the worst yet being pregnant was only making it worse.
-Hey babe what you doing sleeping in here.-I opened my eyes to see Kevin in front of me.
-I must have fallen asleep.
-Are you feeling okay y/n?
-Yeah, it's just the heat.
-Why don't you stay here today and rest for tomorrow?
-I am fine, don't worry.
-I would rather you rest and by their for tomorrow.
Kevin picked me up from the floor and carried me put me back into our bed.I looked at the clock to see it was now 11 am,I then heard Kevin turning on the shower,I felt my eyes getting heavily once again,I felt a kiss on my forehand ,I looked up to once again seeing Kevin looking down at me.
-I'm leaving for the track now, Okay?
-ok, good luck.
-You sure you okay to stay here alone?
-Yes, please don't worry.
-I will try not to. you just never been this ill before.
-I sure I am just jetlagged and the heat is probably just making it worse.
-Please rest up okay.
-Yes, now go before you late.
He gave me one last kiss before he left.
Once I heard Kevin close the door I stood up, walked to the mirror in the corner of the hotel room, I raised my top up and looked in I now was 10 weeks pregnant,I had a small bump now, I had been able to hide it till now, only one more day then this baby would no longer a secret.I spent the day resting and reading.
I watched qualifying on the tv, it wasn't the best day for Kevin, he ended up qualifying 15th,I knew he would be upset with himself, I knew he wouldnt be home for a another hour or so,I got up and went to have a shower.I got dressed into a comfy pair of shorts and a t-shirt,I walked back into the main room to check my phone, Kevin had sent me a text saying he was on way back.
I heard the door open, then I heard him chuck done his backpack, and take off his shoes.
-Hey babe.
[I could tell by his voice, he was in a pretty bad mood]
He walked off to the bathroom, whenever he had a bad day, he would always take a shower to clear his mind a bit. About half an hour later, he walked out of the bathroom,I could tell by his face he he was still in a mood.
-What do you want to do anything tonight?
He sat down on the end of the bed.
-Anything I can do to cheer you up.
- Not really.
In that moment I decided to tell him about pregnancy now, he needed something to cheer him up.I walked over to my handbag and found the photo of my ultrasound and the pregnancy test.I walked over to him, sat down beside him and handed him the two things.He looked at them with a confused, then a huge smile lit up his face.
-I 'm going to be a dad?
He stood up then he pulled me into a huge hug and span me around.

Formula one and formula two one shots
Roman pour AdolescentsThis is the book of the collection of a one-shot I have written about some f1,f2, and f3 drivers. I still taking requests, so if you have one just drop me a message or make a comment on my prompts chapter.