Today started no difference to any other day. I got up, got ready and went to practice, After practice, I was walking home like usual, I have texted my mom on my phone when I heard someone call my name I looked up to see a familiar face only a couple of feet in front of me, the boy I grew up with, my childhood best friend and my first real crush. Before I could think he was standing into of me.
"Lance, it's been a while"
"I know, I barely recognized you"
"It has been what,5 years now"
"So how have you been ?"
"Good, you?"
"Good, do you want to go for a coffee or something ?"
We walked a couple blocks, till we were at the cafe that I offered went to, we sat down and order drinks "
"So how's racing going?"
"Good, getting use to the new team"
"oh yeah, so how is it wearing pink?"
"What you mean ?"
"Do you not remember how much you used to shame me for liking pink"
"I don't remember that"
"you such a liar""so how's figure skating going ?"
"Alright, you know only a couple world titles and gold medals "-We both laughed, I was now classed one of my the best figure skaters that world had ever seen.
"You know Charlotte, I really sorry for losing contact with you"
"Lance it wasn't your fault, we were both started our careers and we both know how much our sports mean to us"
"I know but you tried and I never replied "
"Lance don't beat yourself up, the past is done and can't be changed "
We sat and talked for another half a hour, Lance offered to walk home with me, which I accepted.We were sitting on the sofa watching tv when Lance turned and sat a bit a closer to me.
" Charlotte I wanted to tell you this forever, I don't want to ruin our friendship but I can't keep this to myself anymore. The real reason I never replied when you tried to keep in connect was that I released I had feelings for you, and it killed when I moved away to not see you smile every day or you annoying with your stupid jokes and all I am asking if you ever felt same.
I sat there in shock, I knew deep done inside that I never got over my crush on Lance, ever time I saw a photo or a headline about him dating someone it killed me inside.
"Please say something Charlotte"
I knew it was now or never, before I really realized what I was doing our lips touched.-Does that answer your question Mr.Stroll ?"
"I think it does".

Formula one and formula two one shots
JugendliteraturThis is the book of the collection of a one-shot I have written about some f1,f2, and f3 drivers. I still taking requests, so if you have one just drop me a message or make a comment on my prompts chapter.