When Pierre was told he was going back to torro Rosso, he was upset with himself, the team practically everyone.The first week of the summer break he tried to cover how he was feeling, we never really got time to spend together and that meant he wanted the summer break to be perfect.
I could still tell he was still unhappy about the move back,his trainer pyry tried to speak to him about it but Pierre refused to speak about it,I tried as well but Pierre would change the subject .
Spending time with Pierre was great but I knew he was only smiling to make me happy, and for us to have a good time.It was now the second week of summer break,Pierre was always supported me with everything and I wanted to do the same for him,but he wouldn't let me.The last couple days all he had done was training mostly, that's what he was doing to deal with how he felt.
It was now the evening, he were laying on the couch cuddle up.
'Yes Mon amour'
'Can we talk?'
'Of course, what's wrong?'
'Pierre it's been two weeks and still don't want to speak about toro rosso'
'I fine,as you say everything happens for a reason,'Pierre your not fine, you just putting on a act for me, please speak to me about it'
'I am fine,y/n I promise you'
'Pierre I want to able to support you so just speak to me, because I know your putting on a act, and I can't stay here if that's how this summer break is going to be '
'Fine'-I sat up to look at him, i thought that if I maybe threatened to leave, he would speak.
'Pierre I not going anywhere till you tell me'
'I am upset with myself, I should have done better, I could have done better.I feel like I disappointed my family and you'
'No one is disappointed, you tried your best we all know that, and we both know that you, Christian wanted you to do better then max, which was impossible when he is the number one driver'
'I know but I could still have done better, if I had got on a podium then I would still have a set'
'Pierre, Christian has a favorite we all know it,why do think you Daniel left '
'It's still hurts , my mum was so proud of me, my brothers everyone'
'And she still is, maybe you can better in Torro Rosso because you have a fiat chance'
'Pierre please stop bottling things up, me and Pyry have been worried, all you be doing is training'
'I know, and I shouldn't but I always done the same'
' and I did to,you changed that not matter what you make me speak when I am down or upset'
'Because you need to speak about stuff I don't like seeing you upset '
'And I don't like seeing you upset either'
'I haven't been upset '
'No but you been in a mood'
'I haven't '
'Pierre you admitted '
'Can we please just cuddle now'
He stood up from the sofa , then he picked me up and carried me into his room.He had spoken about it even if it wasn't a lot it was something.

Formula one and formula two one shots
Teen FictionThis is the book of the collection of a one-shot I have written about some f1,f2, and f3 drivers. I still taking requests, so if you have one just drop me a message or make a comment on my prompts chapter.