Its been two weeks since I gave birth to my little girl, I never have seen something so perfect in this world before. She is a perfect little angel, always happy and only cries when she is extremely hungry. Sadly her father Max, hasn't met her yet, she wasn't due for another 3 weeks but she decided to arrive early, Max has had two races back to back, which meant he hasn't been home to met her,he's wanted to come home but I have managed to talk him into racing, it's his job and summer break starts soon.
Max didn't want to leave me as my day due was so close but His mum said she would stay with me and forced for max to go to his race. Max has called every single day since he has left and even twice a day, since Mia, which is the name we decided for our baby girl, Max would be on facetime for hours watching and wanting to know every single thing about Mia, he was heartbroken he had missed her birth,but I reminded him that she wasn't going anyway soon,he agreed but I knew he was still upset he missed her birth. Daniel had crashed on our facetime to see little Mia, he had given his name as Uncle, which in some way he was to her.
Finally, it was the day, Max was arriving home, being a new mum has been super tiring, so Max's mum and his sister offered to go to the airport and pick up him up, which I accepted. Max's flight didn't land till 6 pm in the evening, Mia had fallen asleep, which gave me time to have a shower, and freshen up. I sat on the sofa, texting people back and just chilling out, the house hadnt been this quiet for while now. I was almost falling asleep but I knew Max would arrive home soon, all of sudden I hear the door open, I jump up to see max walking into our shared home, I ran over to him, I jumped into his arms, he hugged tighter than ever before,then I heard some crying coming from our room were Mia was in her bassinet,I walked down the hallway to our room,I picked her up, with her little white blanket and her pink rabbit, which she couldn't live without. I carried her into the living room, where max and everyone else was, Max practically ran over to see his daughter, she looked up at him, I could see Max was almost crying.
-Can I hold her?
-Of course max, she's your daughter.
I handed him, Mia, he had the biggest smile on his face, he had a couple of tears running down his face. I sat down on the sofa beside him, we chatted away, max talked about the races, max's mum loved hearing about her son's career, of course he also told us all what him and Daniel had got up to. All of sudden, Mia started crying like crazy which I learned very quickly that meant she wanted food.,Max freaked out a bit.
-What did I do wrong?
-Nothing babe, she just hungry.
I passed Max, her little rabbit toy, which hopefully would keep her quiet for a couple of minutes, then I walked into the kitchen, made her a bottle and started heating it up, while I got one of her bibs and a burp cloth. Once the bottle was done, I walked back into the living room and sat back down.
-Do you want me to feed her?
-No, it's fine you been doing this for the last 2 weeks.
-Are you sure?
-I know what i a doing, I use to feed my little sister all the time.
I and his mum laughed, I handed him the bottle and bib, his mum needed to get home, before it got dark, I helped her with her bags and thanked for everything she has done in the last 2 weeks.
I walked back into the house to see, Max had fed little mia and was giving her cuddles.

Formula one and formula two one shots
Teen FictionThis is the book of the collection of a one-shot I have written about some f1,f2, and f3 drivers. I still taking requests, so if you have one just drop me a message or make a comment on my prompts chapter.