Snarky Remarks and Wolf Moon

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Third Person

"Scott! Do you do anything right!?" Skyler scolded looking at the lump Scott had built in the sandpit.

The boy scratched the top of his head looking completely confused. He looked up at Skyler and back at the castle he had just built.

He tended to do that a lot every time she scolded him. Or even spoke expressively for that matter.

"That's what a sandcastle looks like!? Right?" Scott asked hopefully, looking wide-eyed at Skyler.

Skyler sighed, knowing Scott didn't have the brains or the mental capacity to understand where she was coming from.

But in her eyes he had to learn and she was always willing to help him out.

"Sorry, Scott. But I'll teach you how to build an amazing castle." She beamed. "You might wanna close your eyes." The four-year-old suggested as she was about to stomp onto the big mountain of sand until something stopped her. More like someone.

"I like his sandcastle!" A voice chimed making the stubborn girl groan as she moved her foot away placing it back down on the ground.

"Thanks! I made it myself." Scott jumped up proudly looking at the big lump.

Stiles had a big smile on his face, looking at Scott. Skyler looked between Scott and Stiles and let out an angry huff.

It wasn't like she hated him. She just despised him. For what reason she didn't even know considering he had almost everything she did.

The same awards in school, same likes and dislikes. They even lived on the same street. In Skyler's eyes that was everything.

Almost everything, because now in her eyes she hated how he was going to steal Scott from her now.

"No one asked for your opinion Stiles!" Skyler mocked and Stiles slowly frowned. "Come on Scott. Let's go find another sandpit that doesn't have a weirdo inside."

Skyler slowly grabbed Scott's hand dragging him away from Stiles but Scott took his hand out of her grasp.

"Come on Sky!" Scott whined looking back at Stiles. "He liked my castle and he has a cool name!" Scott nagged and Stiles looked at Skyler and Scott hoping they would turn back.

Skyler sighed looking at the hope in Scott's eyes. She never wanted to let him down so even if it meant looking at a guy she hated, guess that's what she had to do.

She was also four. In her eyes she was doing Scott a favour that made him in dept to her forever.

"Fine." She groaned and Scott jumped up and down in happiness, about to run over to Stiles but Skyler grabbed his arm stopping him.

"But I swear, if he annoys me I say we kill him and bury his body in the woods." She warned and Stiles gulped down hard in fear. "I saw it once said in a movie and it sounded so cool!"

Scott laughed as if it were a joke and this time he grabbed Skyler's hand dragging her towards Stiles.

"Now." Skyler sighed shoving a bucket and spade into both of their hands. "We're going to learn how to make an epic sandcastle! And it's going to be awesome!" She boasted and looked at her bucket, starting to fill sand in.

When she wasn't looking, Stiles looked up at her and had a bright smile on his face.


Skyler's P.O.V

I grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk and Dad grabbed the last one before closing it.

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