Australia here we come!

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I literally couldn't wait to move! I've been wanting to get away from this small, rainy, cold town for a while. I was so happy and excited when my mum told me we were moving to Australia because she'd been offered a high paying job there.
I was currently trying to put my pyjamas from our last night in the uk into my suitcase and it was a struggle. I had no room left and I was contemplating leaving them here.
"Maddie you need to hurry up the taxi is here and we need to check in at the airport! Get a move on!" My sweet yet angry mum yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
I don't understand why the airport requires us to be there 3 hours before our plane is due to leave it doesn't make sense.
"I'm being as quick as I can, I don't get how you expect my body to be functioning at this time! It's five in the morning for goodness sake!" I muttered to myself whilst I sat on top of my suitcase attempting to close it.
Finally after trying for about ten minutes to close my suitcase, we were in the taxi on our way to Heathrow airport. My mum kept on tutting at me and checking her watch, telling the taxi driver to hurry. She worries too much and she's so uptight.
"Stop worrying mum we'll get there when we get there."
She gave me a dirty look, the one that your parents give you in public when you embarrass them and I lower my head, sinking further into my seat.

Our plane was three hours late, so I was overjoyed when we were told we could board the plane. My mums new company had paid for us to travel in first class, so we quietly made our way to our seats, which were next to each other, but they had a window thing (if you don't get what I mean Google it) separating them thank god.
"Behave yourself young lady, and sit up straight please" my mum sternly said to me. I obviously did as I was told, not wanting to cause a scene on the plane with people I'd have to look at for the next 21 hours.

The stop at Hong Kong
Tired and bored, me and my mum got off of the plane and went into the airport. We had to wait for the plane to be refuelled and whatever so we had a 2 hour stop. My mother refused to buy me any sort of beverage until we arrived in Sydney so I would probably not even make it to Sydney, because I would die of dehydration. I did explain this to her but she told me to stop being so dramatic.

Finally, after near enough a day of travelling we were here. It was dark outside because we arrived at 3 in the morning (not going to work out the time difference to the uk because it's a waste of time soz). My mum went to collect our bags and I went straight to a vending machine with the dollar that my mum gave me. I managed to get a bottle of water for me and one for my mum. She called me over when she'd got our bags and we made our way out of the airport. BAM, it was so so so so warm when we walked out of the air conditioned airport, it would take me a long time to get used to this heat! The company my mum is going to work for have given her a car so we had to find that, but it wasn't hard because there was a woman stood outside it with my mums name on. We got the keys and she told us where to go and when my mum would need to go to the office and all that uninteresting stuff. The drive to our house was only about 40 minutes and we were twenty minutes away from the city centre.

Hiiiii I'm new writing fanfiction so sorry for the boring start aha I'm hoping it will get more interesting lol aha
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Xoxox ❤️❤️

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