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I won't admit,
I need help.

I lead myself to think,
I'm not putting enough effort in,
I can still fix myself.

Truth is,
I can't.

On the outside I try my hardest to portray myself as...
perfect, beautiful, kind, understanding.

My ugly heart says otherwise.

I'm broken.

But I won't let people see that...
anymore that is.

I let someone see the real me.
And let me tell you,
it didn't end well.

They took advantage of me.
It broke me further.

So I cut them off.

But, I think I've found somebody.
Somebody, I can open up to.

Somebody that understands me,
and I understand them.

They say,
"The friendship is true
when the silence is comfortable."

Our silence is peaceful,

I hope our silence can grow
into something more powerful.

Strong enough to fix not just me,
but people like me.

I want to help you.

Are you broken?

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓. ── poetry | ✎Where stories live. Discover now