Chapter 19

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I sat on the bed waiting for Bri. We were going to go get some food with Jack, but she takes FOREVER. She finally walked out wearing jeans and a tank top. "Good?" she asked. She always tried to be her best for Jack. I noded. We walked to the parking lot and got in her car. After two minutes she spoke. "You are never aloud to lie to me again! You understand?" That got me pissed. "Who are you?! MOM?" i yelled. "No! You could've died. And just for that you aren't aloud to have your phone for a week." she said. Okay no. She can't do that. "No! WHO DIED AND LEFT YOU INCHARGE?" i yelled. "Mom is gone! You know that! I'm older so i have responsabilities." she said. "LIKE WHAT?! Being with Jack for every second of every day?! Besides your older by four months!" i spat. She made the you didn't dare face and opened her mouth to speak again. "Okay that's it! I don't even get why i came back! I should've stayed with Nash, but nnnooo i have to be here fixing every stupid thing you do wrong!! So i suggest you shut your mouth and KEEP IT SHUT!" I was so close to pushing her out of the car. I hate her. I hate her alot. I honestly wish that she would go die. I decided to shut my mouth before things got worse. Her phone rang and she awnsered it. Just watch her kill the both of us. "HANG UP BEFORE YOU KILL US!" i yelled. "SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH! IT'S IMPORTANT!" she yelled back. "Oh sorry, i didn't know Jack changed his name to important!" i was so pissed with her. I could hear a loud honk and then the sound of tires screetching. We colided with a transport truck and it mangled the car and us. We were flipped upside down on the hot cement. My hole body ached. Blood dripped on the roof of the car and sizzled in the surrounding fire. I felt a horrid pain in my lower torso. I lifted up my shirt and glass was impailed into my stomach area. Shit. I pulled my way through the broken pieces of glass and onto the highway. I stood up for a bit. All the cars on this side of the highway were pulled over and people rushing to help and on their phones probably with 911. I couldn't hear anything but the crackling of the fire. I just stood there. I had all my preassure on my un swollen leg. I was loosing too much blood. "Bri" i was able to spit out. I lost my balance and hit my head on the cement. A man rushed up to me. "Go get Bri" i pointed to the car. I closed my eyes.

*flash back*

It was a nice sunny warm evening in Ontario. My dad , Bri, Caleb, my mom and i were having a picnic in this enormus field. Shawn's family was there too. I was wearing my favourite white dress my Dad gave me. For a 8 year old it looked okay. This was the day it happened. Our moms and dads were talking while we played. There was this one tree planted in the middle of the field. It had a small rope swing tied to it. "C'mon Shawn push me" i laughed. He rolled his eyes with a big smile on his face. His hands pressed against my back and forced me forwards. As the swing rose higher and higher it got more exciting. I jumped off at the top and rolled onto the soft green grass. Caleb came up to me and ploped down on my lap. The field was just across from Shawn's house in Pickering. "Mommy daddy can we go get a skipping rope?" i asked. "Sure just be careful while crossing the road" my dad smiled. I noded and went with Caleb to get the skipping rope. We got closer and closer to the road. I checked both ways before crossing. The road was empty. Caleb and i skipped across the road to get the skipping rope. On the way back in the middle of the road, Caleb droped the rope. I was on the other side already. "Caleb c'mon" i said. He bent down to pick it up. Suddenly a car came out of nowhere. It hit Caleb and kept going. "CALEB!! CAALEB!!!" i screamed. Tears were streaming down my face. I rushed out onto the road to his body. A pool of blood layed underneath him. I picked him up and ran to the side of the road. I carried him while sobbing my eyes out. I got halfway through the field before my parents noticed me. I couldn't stop crying. I droped him and fell to my knees. My parents rushed up to me. And i looked down at Caleb. His eyes opened slightly. "I'm sowy" he said. He then closed his eyes. He died later that day on the operating table. And it was all because of me.

*end of flashback*

I opened my eyes to see a nurse standing above me. The bright lights stung. "You will be okay. We did a small surgery and you can leave in three days." she spoke. A tear ran down my cheek. "Where is Bri?!" i asked. "Um. She is in surgery right now. They don't know if she will make it or not. I'm so sorry." "Let me see her! Get me out of here i need to see her!" i started to freak. The nurse paniced and called other nurses in the room. "I NEED TO APOLAGIZE" i yelled. I can't loose another sibling. Not again. The doctor inserted something into my veins and i fell asleep.

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