Book Reports

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Hello my people! I am trying to stay up all night because i procrastinated a crap load and didn't do a book report that was due a week ago and A LOT of math questions that i had two weeks to do, but didn't. I am writing this on my shitty windows 7 notebook so sorry if there is a lot of mistakes. I just got back from florida yesterday and i am now in Canada again!!!! I LLLLLOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE Canada and i am so happy to be back. While i was gone i started to wach more WeeklyChris videos on YouTube and i LOVE him so much he is nice ad sweet and loving and funny and IS CANADIAN! ANNND has the bst smile in the world so i wrote a fan fiction because i am just like that. I am working on the first chapter and it will pobably be published tonight it's called Truly Canadian Chris Collins and it's awesome so you should go check that out. I am supposed to be doing my book report that is like five pages and i'm only on the first page, but that just prooves howmuch i love you guys! Or is it ho much i hate school? Let's just go with the first one. One of the best shows in the world is on tonight on AMC. In case you are wondering it's The Walking Dead and you should go watch it. It' the mid season finale for season five and the other half doesn'tncome on until Febuary. I hate the word Febuary it's so confusing. I suggest you start from season 1 before watching season 5. Well i gots to go. I'll see you and your beautiful face later. Bye.

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