Chapter 32

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My mom just gave me an 'Alcohol isn't cool' talk on a thirty minute drive. Okay I'll get straight to the chapter, but first, I JUST ATE A SALAD!!! I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF!!!

Jack's P.O.V
Once we got to the hospital I was pushed out of the OR. I sat down and that's when I heard Jack's voice. "Hey man" he said in a low tone. He sat down beside me. And then followed all the other boys saying things like I'm so sorry man and I'm here for you. As it got really late the boys left one by one until it was just Jack, Bri and I. I slowly fell asleep in my chair.

Taylor's P.O.V

I was at Jack's house. Everything was kind of blurry. Bri was there and so was my dad and Caleb and my mom. How are they here? We were all laughing and having a good time. I'm assuming it was Christmas. Jack held my hand which now had a ring on it. Wait what?! I looked down at the diamond ring on my ring finger. "I can't wait to see you two get married" my mom smiled. "We are getting married?" I accidentally said out loud. Of course we are silly" Jack tapped my nose. I can't. I'm not ready. "Jack I'm sorry I can't" I replied. "I can make you change your mind" he said. He got closer to me and pushed me on my back on the couch. "Wh- What are you doing" I asked. He started to kiss my neck as I pushed away. My family sat there laughing like it was entertainment. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. Black spots danced at the edges of my eyes as my heart rate dropped. The muffled laughter from my family had become quiet when all I heard was a beep. It got slower and slower. "Clear!" Jack yelled. My eyes flung open, but felt droopy. Doctors stood above me. "Get her to a room" one demanded. Suddenly, I was moving. Doctors where rushing to get me somewhere. I let my head drop on the other side of me and the one nurse that told me to stop getting hurt the last time I was here. She was running and looked worried as hell along with the other doctors. She looked down at me and held my hand. "Your gonna make it honey" she spoke. "I won't let you leave" she looked back up and I saw Jack. He was asleep on a chair. Bri ran along with the stretcher. She was crying with her hand over her mouth. "Excuse me ma'm we're gonna need you to take a seat" a male doctor said. "I'm her only family!" Bri said. "Yeah I get that but you will need to fill out some paper work before we let you see her" I was pulled into a room and I had wires strapped on and around me. A mask was put on my face and I slowly fell asleep.

Jack's P.OV
I woke up to a nurse. She was African American and her eyes were watery. "Your here for Taylor right" she sniffed. "What happened" I stood up. "They... She... She is on life support, but... She won't make it. They are taking her off tomorrow. You can see her before she goes" she said. I cried. I broke down. I didn't know anything better to do. I sobbed hard and loud. She is dying tomorrow. The one person I love is dying. "I can let you sneak in quickly" she said. We walked to her room. I couldn't go in. I couldn't stand to see her this way. I walked in and kept crying. The nurse left and I sat down. I reached for her hand and squeezed it tight. "I... Can't let you go" I said. "We have been through so much." I looked down and bit my lip to stop on coming sobs. "I remember when it first happened. You... Were at my house and we were informed... Your dad had passed. And the... The blue Barrett meant the person to come inform something happened. And I just want to let you know, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for every bad thing I have ever done to you. I would kill myself to be with you. I love you" I said. I lied my head over the blankets on her stomach. "Please. You have to try to fight" I cried into the sheets. I felt her hand through my hair. "I love you" I heard a weak voice. I looked up and saw Taylor with a small smile. "Taylor" I gasped. "Jack I'm sorry. I can't do anything to change it" She ran her hand through my hair. Her voice was weak and raspy. "I want you to stay" I said. A tear rolled down her cheek. I moved closer to his face and my lips brushed hers. Probably for the last time. "I love you" I cried and laid my head back on her stomach. "I think we need to go now" the nurse said. I looked up and nodded. "Stay strong" I said. I slowly walked out of the room. That's when I heard struggling from behind me. "Taylor!" I tried to run towards her but I was pulled back. She couldn't breathe. I was pulled out of the room as nurses rushed in. I was breathing heavily. She can't leave.

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