A new Beginning

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"The mighty hunter stalks her unsuspecting prey." I whisper, as I sneak up on my victim, which was pounding its head on a tree. "She gets into position, calibrates her legs," I adjust my hind legs, "then when the timing's right, she leaps!" I attack my victim, biting it's head off.

"Cass, will you please stop with the hunting? It's distracting." Evie says, as she pauses on her sketches.

"But Evie, Mal just got me this new mouse toy and I haven't got a chance to play with him." I defend as he rolls under the bed. I think a good name for him is Mr. McSurry.

"Maybe, but do you have to narrate what you're doing?"

"Of course, I do! I have to say it out loud so the voices in my head can make a note of it. How else am I supposed to sharpen my skills so I can fight off the scaley, teddy bears that captured sippy cup island?"

"Well, don't you think you've done enough? You've been at it for an hour. Why don't you go play with Dude or something?" She says picking her pencil back up.

"We played superheroes this morning and then played tag in my afternoon free hour. I want some cat time."

"Then how bout a well-deserved grooming?" She says for me to pause.

"You know what? I did promise Dude a game of fetch. I'll catch ya later." I say before bounding out of the room. Man, that was close.

In the courtyard

"So let me get this straight," Dude called before picking up the stick I had thrown, "You came tah pay a game of fetch with me to avoid getting groomed?" I nod.

"I mean, I keep good hygiene and everything but the thing with bows and smelly stuff is just a bit too much for me."

"Makes sense. I don't like that smelly stuff either." He states as I throw the stick again. I then spot Jane coming over. Hey, her and Mal must've worked things out, her hair's long again.

"Heya Janey." I smile, taking the fetch stick from Dude, "I see Mal did your hair again."

"Yeah." she shrugs, "I actually wanted to come talk about what happened." She sits on the bench beside me.

"Listen, I get it. The hair went to your head. Course, that's where it should be." I pause, "But anyway, you made a misbeef. It's understandable."

"Mis- beef?" She asks, confuzzled, "Don't you me mistake?"

"That's what I said, besides the important thing is that you made things right."

"Yeah, but that doesn't get me out the community service my mom's making me do."

"Service community? That what's?" I ask before getting a whiff of catnip.

"It's where you volunteer for different things. I have to set up a community blood drive, organize a bake sale, help with a charity auction, and join student council."

"Wow, your mom must think you're really good at juggling stuff if you're doing all that plus classes."

"Yeah, she also said it's a way for me to better my people skills and build character." She explains as I throw Dude's wooden snake again.

"If you ask me," I turn to cat form and stretch, "people skills are overrated. Animal skills, now that's what you need." She chuckles scratching behind my ears.

"Well, I'd say I'm already pretty good with animals." She pauses, "So how's the day —"

"Hey Cass! Jane!" We turn to see Dexter running up to us.

"Heya Dex. You okay?" Janey asked as Dude came back with a tug toy. Hm, what happened to the stick?

"Yeah, I'm good— just need a— couple of— favors." He pants sitting by Jane as I jump down.

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