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The sun peeped through the slit of my blinds gleaming into my sleepy eyes. I hate the sun.

Okay Jade. Today is a new day.

My foot lazily came into contact with what felt like ice.


I shivered snatching it back into the covers. I can never adjust to the cold wooden floor of my apartment.

I reluctantly sat up slipping my feet into my cozy fur slides. My bed was positioned across from a full body mirror. They say it's good to start your day with a little mirror motivation.

Why are you such a fucking failure Jade?

Am I doing it right?

I glared at myself taking it all in. My hair sat wildly on top of my head. My black mascara smeared around my eyes from crying myself to sleep.

How did you get fired AGAIN?

I shook my head. I can't believe I suck at adulting this much. At this point maybe I should just jump. My apartment is on the top floor, no one will miss me anyway. My adoptive parents are too busy being gaudy and pretentious. Ever since they found out I was Lesbian they decided I should 'fend for myself'. I'm a 24 year old women with no skill sets who never had to lift a finger growing up.... Until now. I'm not built for this world. I'm damn sure not built for this town. I've lived in the country all my life, the fast pace environment is killing me. If my parents weren't paying my rent I'd be sleeping on the street or dancing on a pole. If I was dancing on a pole at least I could buy groceries.

I stood up and examined my curves.

Yea. I'd make bank on a pole.

My hands cupped my C cup boobs as I scanned my long flawless torso. I smirked checking out my thick thighs and my apple shape booty, twisting my body to get a good look. Whoever my momma is blessed me. I took a mirror selfie in my cotton cheeky panties and no bra.

Okay, okay! Cut the shit Jade. Opportunities don't just come to you. You have to go find them.

It's easy to say but a lot harder to do. A pretty face doesn't hold much weight if you have a shitty job history. With how my last job ended I don't even know if I want to add it to my resume.

It was a desk job. Long hours in front of a headache of a display screen, typing in things I didn't even understand... but it was a job. I was surprised I even got it, the only previous experience I had was retail and little model gigs here and there. I wish I stayed surprised. I thought Mark was one of the most laid back, understanding managers, until yesterday when he let me go.

I strutted into the office in my red knee length pencil dress. I was ready to serve my time then get the hell out of there. Before I could sit down Mark called over to me.

"Jade, could you step into my office for a moment please?"

I set down my things. Honestly Mark had been holding my hand, guiding me when it came to my job and sticking up for me no matter how bad I fucked up. I fucked up constantly. I wasn't sure what to expect. Was he going to tell me he's leaving ? Is he going to ask me to pull some over time? He held the door for me as I walked into his office.

"Take a seat"

He said closing the blinds of his office window. I wondered why he would close the window that was looking over his employees. He must've seen the skepticism on my face.

"I hope you don't mind. You know, for privacy"

He grunted sitting in his swivel chair. I peered at him and shrugged. Mark is an older white man. His head is shiny bald, he sports bushy untamed brows that overcasts his piercing beady eyes. My eyes focus on his thin lips as his mouth slithered open.

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