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The car ride to Sage's place was eerily silent. She drove my car and  held my hand but looked straight ahead at the road. Making no eye contact. She didn't need to. I felt her blaze, she was furious. Tay threatening to kill us really put her over the edge. Actually, she didn't even mentioned Tay threatening her, she was so fixated on the threats towards me. Every 5 minutes I was receiving another hateful message. They were slowly turning from fatal to fragile

Taybae: I will chop yo ass up and put you in my trunk 💯

Taybae: when you bring yo ass back here Imma fuck you up

Taybae: just come back your wasting your fucking time. I don't know what this crazy bitch is telling you but she's probably trying to pretend to be you or some shit

Taybae: come on bae.. I know shit kinda fucked up right now but I'm the only person who's ever gonna give a fuck about you, this bitch don't care. 🤦🏾‍♀️

Taybae: she's going to leave you just like your momma. 🤷🏾‍♀️

For every text I got I typed out a long message in response, telling her how much what she was saying was hurting me, and asking why she has to abuse me. I deleted it all and looked up. I was so distracted I didn't even realized the regular road had been replaced with dirt.

"Where are we ?"

I was a little scared. What if she is just luring me in to kill? What if she wants to replace me? I don't know why she would.. my life and my name is worthless.

"Your scared aren't you?"  She asked still not taking her eyes off the road "your palms are sweaty"

"A little."

"Don't be. I live kind of off the grid.... you know, I would expect you to guess that from what you learned about me so far but your ex just threatened to kill you so I'll let you pass."

I took a sigh of relief.

"I told you I want you. I know people
Have lied to you in the past but give me a chance.... we are here."

I looked through the window taking in my surroundings it was pretty baron. A few trees were sprinkled around a big camper.

"You live in a camper?"

"Don't judge, it's a lot nicer then you think"

We got out of the car and I got a good look at it. She wasn't lying, it was a pretty new camper painted lilac purple decorated with wind chimes, Chinese lanterns, and string lights.

"You live out here all alone? Isn't that scary"

"Nope. That's what guns are for."

She nonchalantly answered while unlocking the door.


Her place was just as mystical as she was.  Crystals were riddled throughout the house ranging from pocket sized to the size of a dog. Dream catchers swayed above our head, the beautiful colors of lava lamps bounced off the walls. She had a weed plant growing in the corner beside her beside her colorful sectional couch.

"You like?"

   She asked stripping out of her dress and throwing it on the couch. I breath in deeply. It smelled like her, it smelled like home.

"This is amazing , I thought my house was a hippie's dream... I don't have shit on this"

"Come see my bed room" she cooed taking my hand and guiding me past a divider wall.

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