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I didn't want to leave her warmth. it was my first time feeling her touch and I already couldn't get enough. I felt like we were one. The door knob jiggled again, followed by a knock and I sighed.

"Who's that?"  Sage asked sitting up and grabbing her dress.

"It's me Babe... I saw your car, open up"

I could hear the annoyance in her voice. She wants to be in control and know what I'm doing, yet it's okay for her to cheat.

My eyes rolled as I threw my dress back on over my head.

"It's Tay."

I waited for Sage to get dressed then reluctantly opened the door.

Tay came in and wrapped her arms around me tightly pressing her face into my neck. I didn't hug her back. I was angry. Her cold presents took away Sage's warmth.

I felt her lift her head up then she jumped back.

"What the fuck?!" She yelled looking at me then Sage.

"It's crazy isn't it? I met her tonight"

A slight smile fell on my face. I was glad I met her ... maybe you could even say proud.

Sage gave her a shy wave.

"So you a twin?"

"No, we aren't even related... she's my doppelgänger. My dead ringer."

"This shit is crazy"  Tay chuckled, circling around me then walking over and observing Sage.

"I'm not a mannequin" Sage cut her eyes at Tay.

I could tell their energies clashed. There was a clear divided feeling. Cold near Tay, hot near Sage.

"My bad... this shit just freaky, I ain't never seen no shit like this before"

"Neither of us have" I replied sitting beside Sage.

Tay put both hands on her head looking at us in awe.

"I mean, y'all look just a fucking like... like what the fuck"

"Are you done? This is already weird for us"

I was getting annoyed, I couldn't believe I was so angry with my girlfriend for interrupting me cheating. I just wanted Sage back on top of me so bad.

Tay looked over at Sage then me.

"So why is she in your house?"

I bit my lip. I've asked Tay this same question way too many times.

Because we were fucking.

"It was loud where we met.. we decided to come here and talk where it's a little quieter"

Flashbacks of her kissing down my body ran through my head.

"Why weren't you responding to my messages and calls? We don't do that shit. When I call you answer. How long have y'all been here?"

"Wow, do you always ask so much questions?" Sage asked raising an eyebrow.

She's so feisty. I love it.

"Yea, when it has to do with my girlfriend. The fuck"

I rolled my eyes

"You weren't worried about me when I told you    I didn't have any money or a job earlier... I'm pretty sure you were occupied. I'm not stupid Tay, you don't giggle and I know what I heard"

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