7 (trigger warning)

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"You can't skip over me like that!"

I argued. Sage laughed.

"Don't be a sore loser! He's a king! I can definitely do that"

I pretended to knock over the checker board by accident and pieces went flying.

"You cheater! She gasped.

A piece from the board flew and hit Tay in the head and she groaned, coming to. We had her tied up to a chair sitting in front of us as we played checkers waiting on her to wake up.

Her eyes opened wide as she let out muffled yells scanning the room frantically.

"Good morning sleepy head" Sage teased.

Tay cut her eyes at Sage as she removed the gag from her mouth.

"you fucking crazy ass bitch!" She choked out coughing.

She looked over at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Please Jade! Help me! You wouldn't do something like this... she's crazy! She's going to get you locked up!"

Sage pressed the lit blunt into Tay's hand and she howled. She twisted it and smirked.

"Ahhhhh! What the fuck is wrong with you ?!" Tay screamed

"You said it. You're right. I'm crazy" she said hitting the blunt and shrugging. "I mean you did rape my girlfriend ..."

"She's not your fucking girlfriend ! Tell her Jade! Tell her your not her girl!"

Sage handed me a metal bat.

"No! Jade, Stop... what are you doing?! I'm the only person who cares about you! Don't be stupid!"

Anger built inside of my body, I got a good stance and swung the bat back.

"WAIT! Wait wait wait! I'll give you what you want ! Whatever you want ! What do you want money?! I'll give you $15,000 right now it's my life savings !"

I scrunched up my face in annoyance.

"What I wanted was for you to let me go! You held me hostage in this relationship! Telling me you'd KILL me if I left you? I'm tired of this shit! I'm TIRED of being weak for you! So YOU can feel strong! You cheated on me, you beat me, you RAPED ME! AGGGHHH"

I bared my teeth as I swung as hard as I could into her knee cap and she let out a blood curdling scream.

"FUCCCKKK! Mother fucker! You fucking bitch!"

Sage smirked satisfied.

"Hit her again" she said seductively while rubbing on my body tauntingly in front of Tay.

I swung and burried the bat into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her. Sage could barely stay still from excitement when she heard the terrifying sound of Tay's rib cracking, followed by her screaming.

Tay threw up on herself, groaning in pain.

A sick feeling washed over me as flashes of me and Tay talking and laughing flew threw my mind.

I threw the bat down and ran to the bathroom barely making it there before violently throwing up into the sink.

I slide down the wall sitting on the bathroom floor shaking with my knees to my chest.

How did I get here?

Sage came and sat beside me on the floor holding me.

"S-sage I'm not a killer, I can't do this" I sobbed

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