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I spent the rest of that day asleep.I had stationed myself back onto the couch with the gun. This time I buried myself under covers and hugged the gun beside me.

In my dream Tay violently rammed into me. My mouth was wide and head was back as I screamed but nobody could hear me.

"You aren't shit! Nobody is gonna love you! Nobody cares about you but me !"

I woke up a sweaty mess with my phone ringing. I checked it, the time was marked 3am.

Unknown number.

I pressed the answer button as quick as I could then put it on speaker.


"I told you I won't leave you completely alone"

Tears ran down my face.

"Baby I miss you so much !" I yelled into the phone.

"I miss you more. I just gotta tie up a few loose ends and I'll be home tomorrow just like we planned"

I sighed in relief.

"Did you go to yoga and the cafe?"

"Yes. Yoga was so painful. My pussy and thighs are swollen, I smoked and took pain pills and a nap when I got home"

She went silent for a second. I knew she wanted to say all kinds of things but eventually she cleared her throat.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you baby, I promise I'm not going to let anyone hurt you again."

"It was my fault. I was so stubborn. You told me to just leave the stuff and now look at us... I didn't even get anything."

"You can't blame yourself baby. How were you suppose to know that was going to happen?"

I wanted to talk about the situation so bad but I knew saying specifics over the phone would be a bad idea.

"I still can't believe I let that happen to you."

I could hear the pain in her voice.

"You didn't LET anything happen to me."

"I was stupid. Why did I think you would be safe alone ? I failed you"

"You thought I'd be safe alone because I convinced you I would. I was being greedy and selfish, it's not your fault. I could've listened to you in the first place. Or I could've went to the market with you then we could've got my stuff together after"

"Stop." She groaned

"It happened and I wasn't there. Point blank period. I already failed and I didn't even get my chance yet."

"You didn't fail! You saved me ! If you didn't come for me she would've did way worst.."

I whispered through my tears.

"I don't think I would be here"

"I love you with all my heart Jade"

I blushed. That's Sage. Always so sure and confident.

"I love you"

"I have to go. Don't try to call this number."

"Wait! No baby plea-"

The phone hung up. I screamed into a pillow crying uncontrollably. I just want my Sage back. As the rain poured so did my tears. I was glad to know she was okay. She didn't even tell me where she was. What is she going to do with the body? I felt sick thinking about her chopping it up. Or filling the body with rocks drowning it in a river. I don't know how to feel. My girlfriend is a murderer. I am an accomplice by association. Sage's angry face as she stabbed Tay played in my head and I ran to the bathroom sick to my stomach. How am I going to look her in the eyes? How I am going to let her hold me at night? Am I ever going to be able to see her the same ?

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