Chapter 5 - Little Kitsune

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Chapter 5 – Little Kitsune

‘I won’t let any one hurt you any more… my little child…’

Naruto smiled in his sleep. He felt small but embraced by something strong and warm. Even though it was unseen it made him feel safe.

‘Soon kit… you are going to be free.’

He snuggled closer into the warmth of Kyuubi’s tails, and drifted into peaceful dreams. Dreams where there was no fear or hate. No eyes burning into him loathing his existence. He could play, and explore in the fields and woods till his heart was content. All thoughts of Konoha and it’s people disappearing.

Tsunade who hadn’t left the boys since he’d come in, had fallen asleep in a nearby chair. She wasn’t aware of the transformation her charge was going through during the night.


“Come on Kakashi sensei, Sasuke-kun!” Sakura waved back at them as the neared the hospital. It surprised both of them at how egger she was. But then underneath all that, they knew she was genuinely worried. After meeting with them earlier that day, she’d hardily shown any interest in train. Instead she would just fidget and look back into the village, as if waiting to see someone. Finely Kakashi had commented that maybe they should go see Naruto, and she’d jumped at the chance.

‘What a weird girl…’ Sasuke thought as he watched her, hands in his pockets. He smirked a bit but didn’t let anyone see. ‘She may be a bit of an air head… but she’s really caring too.’ Suddenly his smirk dropped and he cringed. There was a sharp pain in is upper shoulder. He bit his lip leaning against the wall. The curse mark had been acting up even more lately. It was needless to say his dreams were nowhere as comforting as Naruto.

‘Hate me Sasuke… live to kill me and get stronger.’ Itachi’s voice rang through his mind and he gritted his teeth. Over and over again he had endured that nightmare, while having the whispering of that snake Orochimaru, in the background.

“Hurry up Sasuke-kun!”

“Huh, coming.” He let go of his neck, speaking with his usual indifference. At least when Sakura spoke up the pain began to ease.

The girl had already knocked on the door and was pushing it open a crack. “Naruto we're coming in.”

There wasn’t any sound and she smiled softly. ‘The baka must still be asleep.’ But as she stepped inside she saw no one on the bed. In fact the place seemed completely desolate.

‘Did I go to the wrong room?’ she glanced back at the door number. ‘No, this is room 32. Did they move him?” she was about to turn around and tell the others they should go ask Tsunade, when a small whimper came from right next to her. Stepping passed the door she moved it aside, to see a small figure huddled under a blanket. She could just make out some messy blond hair escaping from the folds. The form was shaking.

“Naruto?” she asked crouching down, and going to pull the blanket back. Was he teasing her? She was startled when he flinched back.

“What’s wrong Sakura?” Kakashi had entered the room with Sasuke and was looking down at the shaking bundle.

“I think it’s Naruto.” She said uncertainly. Sasuke stepped besides her cocking an eyebrow. If it was Naruto it was pretty pathetic.

“Hey, dobe.” He said poking him with his foot. There was a hiss and the form dashed away, hiding under one of the small mettle tables.

“S-Sasuke-“ Sakura cut herself off. What was going on? Underneath the shadows of the table, she could see two deep blue eyes shine back at them. They were afraid.

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