Chapter 12 - Heart of a Dragon

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Chapter 12 – Heart of a Dragon

Sakura just looked at him sadly.  “This isn’t you Sasuke.  This isn’t the boy I grew to know on Team 7.”

He just smirked his dark violet lips at her, “Huh, that boy died a long time ago.”

“…so then it’s true.” She spoke softly.  “Not just Naruto lost himself a year ago, Sasuke you did to.”

“Shut up!” he hissed and gripped his right wrist with a clawed hand.

“Sakura Hinata-move!” Kakashi shouted at them.


Both girls had to send a large amount of chakra to their feet to get them back in time.  Sasuke’s Chidori put a huge gouged in the fist Hokage’s head and he cursed himself for missing.  He couldn’t afford to loose-not to a weakling like Sakura!

She’s always going on about these bonds you have…’

He shut his eyes tight a moment.  He didn’t need the distracting thoughts.  The bonds of Konoha meant nothing-nothing-and Naruto- he didn’t mean anything either!  ‘I would have left even if he hadn’t forgotten…’ his lip curled in pure rage.  The Hyuuga was coming at him.

“Hinata don’t-“

“I-I’m d-doing this f-for N-Naruto-kun!  Sasuke h-he n-needs you!”

“You’re wrong-that stupid dead last can rot in hell of all I care!” he hissed at her.

“Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!”

The Hyuuga girl moved in on him fast but barely manage to hit him.  Even still, Sasuke noted she wasn’t the same as well as Sakura.  They had gotten stronger in the last years time.  ‘But not as strong as me.’

He threw the girl back with a mere flick of his wing, and she crashed into the rock across from him.  ‘Pathetic.’

“Sasuke!” Kakashi was on him in a flash, his own Chidori powered up and his Sharingan eye blazing.  Sasuke punched him sending him back.  The jutsu did its damage, but no where near what it would do if he was in his normal form.  Sakura tried to get to him next.  He caught her fist and swung, sending her disappearing into the mist of the waterfall.

“Sakura!” Kakashi shouted as he saw his student fade from view.  Was it even possible for her to survive such a fall?

“U-Uchiha-s-san…” Hinata was lifting herself weakly a line of blood rolling down her chin from the side of her lips.  “I-I will n-not l-loose.”

He just looked coldly at her wondering what she was going to do.  She was a fool if she thought she could fight him in that state.

“I will n-not loose-because t-that i-is m-my nindo my ninja way.”

His eye’s narrowed.  “What did you say?”

“I-if Naruto-k-kun were h-here I-I’m sure those w-would be h-his exact w-words.” She pushed herself to her feet a few tears steaming down her face.

“Hinata don’t strain yourself!” Kakashi ordered.  The violet hair girl ignored him and to each of the mens surprise, a small smile came to her face.

“Y-you a-are his b-best friend… I-I k-know you c-can b-bring him back.”

“Hee, who said I was his best friend, or a friend at all for that matter?  He was holding me back.”

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