01- party

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Being dragged out of her apartment by her friend to go to a "party" was not on Evelynn's plans for the night.

She just wanted to stay home and lay in bed with Netflix and some food. She wasn't thinking about attending a party with her best friend, Finley.

"Come on, Michael invited us to this party and we need to go."

"You know I don't like parties. And I'm not about to leave the comfort of my bed." Evelynn sighed at her friend.

"You've never actually gone to a party with me and I'm not letting you sit home alone again for another Friday." Finley started, grabbing Evelynn's hand, and quite literally, ripping her from under her pile of throw blankets.

Evelynn had gotten home four hours ago– in her defense it felt like ten minutes since she found the comfort of her bed– and she wished to just sleep.

She huffed and got up off the floor, after falling from being yanked off the bed. Evelynn walked to her closet as her friend stood behind her.

"Wow. I can't believe you're actually going to go out tonight." Finley said with wide eyes. She thought it would take more convincing than that to get her friend out of the bed for an hour or two.

Evelynn figured why not? Going out for a change would be nice. College was stressful as the semester just started and she needed a break already.

While she looked through her clothes, she was nervous. She had never attended a party that was well, not a twelfth birthday party. The thought of lots of drunk and touchy teens was never appealing in the slightest. Evelynn was shy with most people she talked to, but tried to be as nice as possible.

Evelynn put on a plain white T-shirt and ripped jeans. She didn't want to dress nice because once again, not a fan of parties.

"Hurry your ass up. We're gonna be late." Finley shouted right behind Evelynn making her jump and scream. She's never been good with being snuck up on, she always jumps and screams like a masked man with a knife just jumped out from her closet.

"What time does it even start" Evelynn groaned as Finley forced her onto the bed with make up in her hands, "it's already 9:30."

"The party starts at ten." Finley stated, trying to apply mascara on the sitting girl, only to receive a smack to her hand, dropping the bottle on the fluffy white carpet below her feet.

Finley sighed as she picked up the bottle and placed it back on the vanity, knowing how Evelynn wasn't a fan of wearing make up. Using make up made her feel like she was trying to hide her features.

"Get up off the bed now so we can leave or I will drag you out." Finley said with a smirk as Evelynn shot up off the bed, not wanting to meet the floor again.

Looking in the mirror one last time to make sure her hair wasn't completely frizzy and that her clothes weren't wrinkled– which they somehow always were– Evelynn walked out of the room following her roommate to the front door.

Evelynn followed behind Finley after arriving to the place Michael had told them to meet him. Evelynn knew of Michael, he was one of Finley's friends that had come over once or twice. She always thought he was loud and confident, though kind, just like her best friend.

Looking at the worn building, Evelynn felt even more nervous now being at the party, especially being in a creepy, eerily quiet neighbourhood. The only noises heard were that of cheering coming from inside the building and the yells of a red-haired Michael running at the two girls.

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