10- walk

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Evelyn's eyes slowly fluttered open in the morning light. She groaned as she stretched and rubbed her eyes, trying to rid herself of her fatigue. Evelyn turned on her side and faced a sleeping Finley. She furrowed her eyebrows while trying to recall why Finley was sleeping in her bed. She looked behind the sleeping girl and her eyes widened, only now realizing this was not her bed or her bedroom. The bright white comforter and walls were not even close to the dark blue one she owned and the light mint green walls of her bedroom.

Looking over her shoulder, Evelyn glanced at the time on the digital clock placed on a white bedside table, 9:14.

She nudged Finley trying to wake her up so she could figure out where they were. "Hmm... fuck off," Finley mumbled and turned away from the girl. Evelyn began shaking Finley to wake her up, she had never seen this room and started to panic, "Fin, where the hell are we?"

Finley begrudgingly peeled her eyes open to be met with the panicked look on her best friend's face, and at that moment she decided to mess with her. Finley widened her eyes dramatically as she looked around the room, "What the fuck."

Evelyn looked like she had seen a ghost, the panic starting to sink in that they were probably kidnapped and being held hostage.

"Finley what the fuck? Where the fuck are we? We're gonna die here, oh my god!" She almost yelled as she started tearing up. Finley noticed the fear in her eyes and the way she started swearing, Evelyn only swore when she was extremely mad or extremely scared.

"I'm just kidding!" she snorted. Evelyn paused and looked at Finley and the smirk plastered on her face.

"Wow. I hate you so much," she groaned as she threw herself back onto the pillows while wiping her eyes, "I could've had a panic attack."

"Oh calm down," Finley said as she closed her eyes again, ready to sleep after getting a small kick out of scaring her friend, "You totally wouldn't have. Plus, we're just in Luke's house."

"You have no sympathy," she said as she noticed the girl trying to sleep again. Finley smiled and nodded lazily, agreeing with the girl beside her.

She realized that Finely said they were in Luke's house. It took her a moment to recall the night before. She then vividly remembered celebrating the blonde's win the night before with some alcohol and herself falling asleep while they talked about extraterrestrial life on other planets. "Yeah... okay," she nodded, assuming that Finley must have brought her to bed after she passed out.

"What time is it," Finley asked after laying in the bed for a few more minutes.

"It is," Evelyn paused as she turned back to look at the clock again, "9:27."

Finley jumped up from the bed so fast Evelyn thought she had whiplash. "I have a class in thirty minutes!" she panicked and started tripping over her own feet as she scrambled to grab her phone off the floor and ran to the other side of the bed to haul Evelyn out of it.

"Get your ass moving! I'm gonna be late!" she yelled as she kept pulling Evelyn out towards the living room.

"Well if you didn't scare me maybe we could've left earlier," she whisper-yelled and  rolled her eyes as she tripped over her own feet trying to keep in pace with Finley.

"Slow down, Lightning McQueen. Where are you going so fast?" Ashton asked from his place on the couch.

"I'm gonna be late to class!" she shouted as she hopped on one foot trying to pull her high heels from the night before. Evelyn slipped her sneakers on easily and asked,"Is Luke still here?"

"Yeah he's in his room, last one at the end of the hallway," Calum replied and gestured distractedly towards the hall they just came from. She nodded and started waking back to the hallway to find his room, all the while Finley was still trying to lace up her heels.

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