16- shots

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It was Saturday night, and Evelyn was sat in Finley's room getting her makeup done.

"Remind me again why we're doing this?" Evelyn asked.

"Because," Finley said forcefully, hitting Evelyn a little harder with the blending sponge, causing the girl to wince, "Calum asked me to go out to this bar and we both know Luke won't pass up an opportunity to drink, so that automatically means you're coming too."

Evelyn groaned, "But we're eighteen, how're we gonna get in?"

Finley laughed before responding, "Did you forget I got those fake IDs made for us last year?"

"But your mom threw them away?" Evelyn asked. Finley laughed again, "You really think I wouldn't go dumpster diving for them? I spent like $150 on them!"

Evelyn rolled her eyes, "Hey! Don't do that you'll mess me up." Finley scolded, pulling the brush she now held away from her eyelid.

"Okay fine, but I'm not getting hammered with you. I'll embarrass myself way too much."

Luke held a bottle of beer in his hand, taking slow drinks as Calum and himself waited for Finley to show up. Luke was unbothered by the loud and sweaty atmosphere, having frequented clubs and bars quite often. He raised the glass to his lips to take another gulp of his beer, when he turned towards the familiar voices to his left.

Luke almost sputtered on his drink all over himself once his eyes fully caught sight of the two girls. He hadn't expected Evelyn to be there, granted the two girls seemed joined at the hip, but what was even more surprising was what she was wearing.

Her hair was down in the natural curls she always had, her dark blue shirt hugged her torso perfectly. As his eyes scanned down her body, he sucked in a breathe as he noticed the leather pants she wore, and small, black boots that looked a lot like his own.

Luke had completely zoned out while staring at her, so much so, that he hadn't noticed she was by his side, a strong blush on her face even though the foundation successfully shielded the blonde from noticing. "Hey."

"Hi," she responded quietly. Evelyn had been nervous about her outfit, being it was something way out of her comfort zone. The pants were definitely a new one, a little too tight for her liking and the makeup more bold than anything she'd normally go for.

The closer she got, the more entranced Luke became by the girl. Seeing the eye-catching but soft eyeshadow and pinkish lipstick made him hold back a groan. She was fucking beautiful. She didn't look like she was trying to get attention unlike most of the girl in the club, with their tight mini dresses and low cut tops.

She made herself look classy in a bar full of drunk and horny people. "Didn't know you were joining us," Luke stated, as Evelyn took a seat next to him at the bar.

"Neither did I," she laughed. Luke liked the sound of her laugh, it was soft and delicate.

"Let's go find a table," Calum nudged the blonde to gain his attention. Luke nodded and waited for the shorter girl to hop off the stool and follow.

"I'm gonna go get shots!" Finley yelled over the group before she shot out of the booth and made her way to the bar.

Many rounds of tequila, vodka and other hard liquors later, they all—minus a certain blonde—sat around the table hammered. Somewhere along the way of taking shot after shot, Finley and Calum had started heavily making out.

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