Chapter 2 ~ Overwhelmed

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"Put your arms up if you wanna go faster, Y/N!"

"Really Tony?"

"What Y/N?"

"I can't raise them, they were both fractured remember?", "Does Tony even care about what happened to me? Do the others feel the same? What about Wanda?"

Y/N wasn't sure how long the following silence was, whether it was awkward, or even if it happened, but they were mercifully pulled back from their thoughts when Tony spoke again.

"Oh yeah, right, er..., we're here Y/N. Welcome home!"

Putting the thoughts to the back of their mind, Y/N looked up from their hands, to take the room in. They realised it was one of the generic multipurpose labs the three of them shared. As Tony pushed them over the threshold, Y/N silently told him through an upwards glance, they could wheel themselves the rest of the way.

"Fine, but if your witchy girlfriend finds out, you're telling her it was your idea."

Pushing down the sudden urge to be protective over Wanda, Y/N said with a forced smile, "You know I can't control her Stark." and wheeled themselves over to a set of desks on the far side of the lab. On seeing that their files weren't there, and realising they must still be in their lab, Y/N called out to Tony, "Tony, I'm just going to get some files from my lab.". All Y/N got in reply was a work engrossed grunt of agreement, and taking that as confirmation, they left the lab.

To get to their lab, Y/N had to go up a few floors, but being in a wheelchair, it meant they'd be using the elevators. As Y/N wheeled themselves down the hall, they misjudged a corner and crashed their foot into the wall. "Ah fuck, that hurt!"

"Do you require assistance, Dr Y/N L/N?"

JARVIS calling me Dr Y/N L/N made me remember the lead HYDRA soldier calling them that, combined with the pain now shooting up their leg, didn't help matters. Y/N saw that their hands were shaking before they felt it but knew they could still wheel themselves to the patiently waiting elevator. Y/N thought they were drowning before realising it was a panic attack. They could catch snippets of JARVIS' voice, enough to know that he was speaking to them, but not enough to know what he was saying. It wasn't until Y/N felt themselves almost breathing normally again, that they noticed the presence of someone beside them.


"You were having a panic attack, Y/N, you're doing really well."

"Why... why are you-? How did you-?"

"Wanda asked me to come to check on you. Why aren't you in the lab with Tony?"

"Wanda doesn't care about me, she just sent Natasha to check up on me. Does she actually love me?"


"Oh, I'm fine. I'm just going to my lab to get some files."

"Are you ok now?"

"No, but I'm getting there.", Y/N said, with a weak smile.

"Do you want Wanda or me to come up with?"

"I don't wanna bother you or Wanda, you probably have a lot of Avenger stuff to do."

"I'm free, I know Wanda's training with Steve, but I know Steve will let Wanda join you if you need her to. We all want to help."

"No no, it's fine, I only need some files. I can go on my own."

"Ok, well, if you're sure?"

Y/N just nodded.

"If you need one of us, let JARVIS know. Ok?"

Nodding again, Y/N replied, "I will, thanks."

"Anytime, Y/N.", Natasha said, before walking away.

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