Chapter 3 ~ Story Time

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Y/N sat alone in their room, sitting on their oversized bed, taking the same cone of sight in for however long it had been, since Wanda had for a glass of water. Just as Y/N began to feel the heart palpitations subside, Wanda re-entered the room, with a glass in hand and a face full of concern.

"Here," she stated simply, but with kindness, handing Y/N the glass.

Looking up for the first time since Wanda had come back, Y/N shakily took the glass, drinking it slowly.

After finishing about half of it, they looked up and simply said, "Thank you, Wanda."

She smiled and took Y/N's glass, setting it on the nightstand, before she moved to sit down on the bed, next to her partner.

"Wanda, I er want to talk about what happened."

Disguising her immediate shock at Y/N's willingness, she replied. "Don't feel you have to if you're not ready, I won't force you."

"I don't want to, but I think it'll help."

"Who do you want to tell?"

"Well, obliviously you, and I-I erm think Steve and Natasha should know, after all, they found me earlier. I want to speak to everyone eventually but I'm just not ready to tell them all yet."

"That's understandable, do you want me to get them now."

"Yes please."

"Ok, Y/N/N, I'll be back soon." Wanda said, kissing Y/N's forehead, before looking up, "JARVIS?"

"I'll keep you informed regarding Dr L/N." the AI spoke, the title causing a flinch from Y/N that didn't go unnoticed by the Avenger, who eventually decided it best not to bring it up just yet.


Journeying down to the communal floor as per JARVIS's direction of where the Super Soldier and Assassin were, Wanda felt the elevator begin to slow down and stop a lot sooner than it should have. As the elevator doors broke apart, Wanda was treated by Tony Stark, head down, arms full of papers. Looking up when he entered, the billionaire smiled at Wanda, dropping it when he noticed the concern in her eyes.

"I heard what happened with Y/N, how are they?" he said, as the elevator finally neared its original destination.

"What do you mean?" Wanda said, initially confused, as both left the elevator and walked into the shared living area. As she caught on to what Tony was implying, she turned angrily towards him.

"Stark you didn't, Y/N is going through a terrible time and the last thing they need is you checking the cameras and watching them!"

"You did WHAT Stark?" and turning Wanda and Tony saw the voice's source, Natasha Romanoff, and a stern Captain America, arms crossed, behind her.

"Hey, hey, hey, you've got it all wrong. After we rescued Y/N I installed a protocol to alert me if they were in any kind of discomfort. When they had that anxiety attack, it triggered the protocol."


"Wanda, I've worked with them for years, no doubt they're a brilliant scientist, but Y/N's also my friend."

"Why didn't you go up to them, then?" Steve asked.

"I was going to, then J said you and Natasha were already there, so I knew they would be in safe hands, I was on my way up when I met Wanda in the elevator. Which reminds me of my earlier question, how are they?" Tony Stark finished, directing his last sentence at Wanda.

"That's actually why I came down, Y/N wants to talk to me about what happened, no one else at the moment, but because Natasha and Steve were there just now Y/N thinks they should know too."

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