Chapter 4 ~ A Problem Shared

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"Ok, sounds good. Let's go with that."

"With who, Y/N?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, Y/N, pick who you like the most." With Clint's comment earning him an elbow from Natasha.

"Bruce, I think seeing a therapist is a good idea, I definitely need someone to help me make sense of what this is." Y/N said, indicating at nothing with their hands.

"Clint, thanks for offering. I'd love to stay at the farm again, it's been too long."

"Tony, thank you, I think less work would definitely help, but I don't want to lose all of them. I'd like to keep one or two, for now, just to keep myself busy."

"What about Australia?"

"Tony you've already done so much, you've all done so much."

"But I haven't-"

"Tony just by being here with me, all of you being here with me, is enough." Y/N finished, looking around and smiling at everyone.

As they looked round, Y/N saw everyone looking down, rather than the happy they'd been expecting. Almost instantaneously, Y/N started to panic once again.

"Why are they sad? What did I do? I never should have mentioned this, it's just another burden for their already burdened lives. What would happen if I had died? I suppose less worry for them, maybe that would have been better?"

With all these thoughts frothing and bubbling to the surface, Y/N knew where this was leading. The faster heartbeat, the bile and lumps in their throat, the sweating and the twitchy fingers, all leading to the one situation they would be powerless to escape from. On top of the natural confusion that always came, was another wave of thoughts Y/N knew to be true. These situations were always scary but the Avengers being there made it a lot worse. Y/N realised they just needed to hide it, but with genius', spies and a telekinetic in the room, that didn't happen.


"Yes, Nat?"

"You ok?

"Er yeah?"

"You sure?"

"Of course."

"Why'd you answer my question with a question then?

"I er." Y/N looked down to focus on their heart beat, resting a hand there. This wasn't going to be one of the ones that just fizzled out.


"Wanda?" Y/N called out, the room presenting some very concerned, blurry faces.

"Great, now you've worried them. Didn't think I could make this any worse. Why can't I see properly?"

Rubbing their eyes, Y/N noticed they were wet.

"When did I start crying?"

Drying their eyes on their sleeve, Y/N was now able to distinguish between everyone. They felt their breathing becoming heavier and more frequent. Normally, Y/N would slide down against a wall, and ride it out, but not in front of everyone, in front of Wanda.

Moving to stand up, Y/N took their hand off their heart to help push themselves up. They managed a few steps before stumbling, and sitting down down against the door. Y/N pulled up their legs, resting their head on their knees.

"Well, now I've failed at walking, what's next?"

Y/N felt the presence of someone beside them, and looking they saw it was Wanda. Smiling sympathetically, she took one of their hands. Y/N lent on Wanda's shoulder as she sat down beside them. Looking forward, Y/N saw the others were still here, spread out and sitting on the floor, facing Wanda and themselves.

They all sat there for however long, 10, 20, 30 minutes, until Y/N felt their heart-rate begin to slow to normal. Y/N took a long, shaky breath, when Wanda squeezed their hand and spoke.

"Why do you think so negatively of yourself, Y/N?"

Turning to her, Y/N answered immediately.

"Because, I'm me."

Wanda pulled me into a tight hug, and whispered into my ear, "I love you for you, I will help you to love yourself."

"I don't know how you'll do that, but thank you, Wanda."

"I will always be here for you, Y/N."

Pulling back from the hug, Y/N looked up at the other Avengers. "Sorry for wasting your time."

They all replied back with phrases like "Don't worry." and "We're here for you, Y/N.", before taking turns to hug Y/N.

After, Wanda spoke up, "How about we have a movie night, guys?"

Everyone agreed and Y/N smiled at Wanda, who returned the gesture and interlocked her hand with her partner's, as they left Y/N's room.

Just as everyone was leaving, Wanda squeezed Y/N's hand getting their attention, "We'll get through this Y/N, together."

"But it's my-" Y/N started, before Wanda cut them off with a short kiss..

"Your problems are my problems. Our problems. We'll help you together, as a team."

Grinning, Y/N replied, "Like the Avengers?"

Wanda rolled her eyes and smiled. She and Steve helped Y/N into their wheelchair, before Wanda pushed them out and along towards the elevator.

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