Chapter 3

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You woke up in the hospital with a brace wrapped around your head, and something on your left wrist. It was dark outside the window. You remembered what happened, but where's Tae? Did he already leave for tour? If he did you are screwed, no job, barely any money, and you would have to find a way to pay for the hospital bills. You didn't know how long you had been in the hospital, but you were hoping it was still Monday night.

You saw your phone on the side of the bed and grabbed in and looked through your contacts and texted Tae.

Tae's POV

I am so glad that y/n isn't injured too badly, but I still feel bad that he/she saved my dog and was willing to get hurt. I was still going to keep Y/N as my dog walker because I know y/n doesn't have enough money. When I go to the hospital I paid for the hospital bills and said if there are anymore things that they be charged to my account.

I walked to Y/n's room and his/hers eyes widely and smiled so big and made my heart beat. I couldn't help but smile back and walk over and hold Y/N's hand.

"The doctor said we can move you out of here tonight if you want to move into my house."

"Of course, I would love to, would you be willing to help me?" Y/n looked down and looked disappointed in themselves

"Of course!" I quickly looked at y/n and smiled.

(You told Tae where your hotel room was and gave him your card, this is while he was packing everything)

Taes POV still

I had put all of y/n's clothes into the suitcase I saw in the corner, y/n must move around a lot. I was going through the drawers and got out a journal. I know shouldn't have, but I looked through it.

I knew nothing about y/n.


You were sitting in tae's house and you were just resting and laying in a guest room of his when you heard your phone started to ring.

"Hello?" You asked, the number was unfamiliar, but most calls you got were anyways because of your old job.

"I'm surprised you saved the dog so quickly, considering you haven't been with ... for a few years." The man on the phone said

"William, please don't offer me a part back, I have PTSD from working with you and I will not come back."

"You won't come back?"


"Even if Taehyung's plane is in danger?"


Part 4

Tae's POV

I quickly got Y/N's things and put them in my car and drove home. I drove safely and picked up some food from the store to make. Y/N was in my guest room, and when I got home I hear him/her talking. I walked closer to the room and heard Y/N on the phone.

"William, please don't offer me a part back, I have PTSD from working with you and I will not come back." Y/n said

There was a little pause until I heard him/her say


There was another pause until Y/N yelled my name

"Tae? Are you home right now?" I decided to stay quiet not knowing what was going to happen next.

I looked at my phone through the security cameras to see what was happening in the guest room. Y/n stood up and I saw him/her wince, but then walked normally to the desk and grabbed a piece of paper and pen and was about to write until the phone was put on speaker.

"Okay, give me the location and tell me the w's." Y/n said

"Location is the basement that you used to live in when working with us, who is still

unknown, what is the plane that Tae and the other members are going on, going down, when, tomorrow, but stop it tonight. Why is because they want you with them."

The writing stopped after a few seconds

"Why didn't you stop them, why do I have to, I have a concussion a sprained ankle and I haven't been in training for years." Y/n said

"Do you want Kim Taehyung and his friends to live?"

"Of course I do, I just don't think I can fight in my condition."

"Make it work, you still have my work number, text when you are going to go."

Then the phone hung up. I was in so much shock. I had read Y/N's journal and knew that YN has worked with the government as one of their spies, and I had read all of the entries talking about how hard it was to hurt people who didn't know they were wrong, and how he/she suffers a lot because of those days, but I would have never thought that I was in danger because of how good Y/N was.

Y/n walked out of the room and looked at me. I saw so many things racing through his/her mind. So many things of "did he hear anything?" And thoughts related to it.

"How long have you been here?" Y/n finally said

"Is it true, that you were a spy?"

"No, no, where would you get that idea?" Y/n looked so convincing, and I knew it was because he/she had trained to lie.

"What about my plain? Is it going to go down?"

Y/n hesitated

"I already read a few pages your journal, I know you were a spie."

"I'm trying to save your plane and you."

Y/n looked angry and quickly went to the door and put on shoes."

"Don't fucking ever read my journal again." And then left

What's in that journal?

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