Chapter 4

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You quickly started to walk when you realized how hard it was with the head and ankle brace. You stopped outside of a gas station, took it off, and then threw it away. You continued walking to the basement you used to work/live in. It was a couple of minutes away by car, but almost a half hour there and back by walking. You kept having to count your breathing because of all the anxiety you were having. You haven't fought someone in years. This may be the end of your "peaceful" Life because if you are to weak and get you, you will work for them.

UMK:the Underground Mafia Kings.

They rarely lost a fight and were one of the best until they got into trouble with the government aka you.

They were so mesmerized after you took then to jail because it was new for them. They had never lost, but especially not to 1 person.This tarnished their reputation and made you want to quit, so many Mafia people and governments wanted you to fight with them. You would be reading at home and hear gunshots. You would move your parents to the basement because you didn't want them to die like your siblings. You still blame yourself for that. And after that you would go out and take care of the people. It became so much of a hassle that your parents moved leaving you the house leaving me alone at 16. I told taehyung that they kicked me out, but that wasn't the case.But everything became too much and you didn't have a job, so money didn't exist to you.

You ended up selling the house and keeping the money and loving in hotels, going to job interview after job interview, but since you dropped out of the home schooling program, you never finished high school. You kept thinking about your siblings, your younger sister and 3 older brothers,

'They died because of me!' You kept thinking

You were enlisted into government training with your parents when you were only 5 because you were such a good climber, hider, and very sneaky. (I know most 5 year old's are but your parents were already with the government and had enlisted your brothers years prior)

You trained, but never really cared, you didn't put pride into this and would rather do something else. The government training leader noticed (William) and wanted you to go on a mission with your siblings to see how much adrenaline you get and how it can be considered fun. When you woke up at 3am to go, you noticed they weren't in the house, you looked everywhere and stopped in the kitchen, where the family phone was to call your parents when a video came up on the TV. Your siblings and parents all sitting in a chair. Light tan bags around their faces, and their hands tied behind their backs. You knew it was them because it was family and you could tell.

"Little girl, you better get here before they can't breathe. " The voice was low. And raspy but he and some other people held a gun to their heads, all of them. You quickly used your training to wired hack the wall and see where the signal was coming from. You used the city map and ran to your parents room and grabbed your uniform and equipment necessary.

You to the back alley so no one could find you and ran, also informing William about it on you way.

When you made it there you ran inside and held out your gun, and walked in, following the voices and making sure there were no traps. You peaked around a corner and saw them sitting there, bags off of their faces, and heard your brothers voice.

"Please, y/n is only 7, and y/s/n is only 3, they both have a whole life ahead of them, kill us and spare them! " He yelled

"Then it would be no fun, I will kill you, but I want y/n to watch. "

"Everyone hold your breathe! "Your other brother yelled

You quickly walked in the room shooting all men with guns to your family's head. You stood there for a moment, you had just taken people's life for the first time. It shocked you, you couldn't think of what to do until the gun was pointed at you from the man. You snapped back into reality then said man who was talking.

"Let them go. " You said all confident after your shots were accurate.

The man moved the gin from your head to your sisters head.

"Shoot one more thing and her death is your fault. "

You didn't know what to do, you would be at a standpoint like this until more guards showed up, or William. You saw your brothers foot trying to move as he looked at you, signalling you to distract so his foot can kick him away. You kept staring and nodded at your brother when the man saw. He turned around and shot him, then turned and shot your sister. You fired from your gun hitting him. You kept shooting him and walked to your family.

"Undue mom and dad first." Your brother said.

You walked over and undid your dad first because he could go and untie your brothers remaining. You gave him a big hug and then you moved onto your mom while he did your dad.right as you finished untying your mom you then heard 2 gunshots in the air. The man you had shot had enough strength to shoot your brothers as on was being untied. You pulled out your pocket knife (knowing you had shot all the bullets out of your chamber) and ran and stabbed him in the chest, crying.

William showed up in the room to see this. He ran to you and helped you up. He grabbed you into a hug and then moved you away from this. You saw your parents crying and your mom on her knees. Your dad was hugging her and they quickly untied your siblings. Then you were pushed out of the building and into the car.

You kept thinking about this so much you hadn't realized you had arrived. 

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