Chapter 10

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You quickly called back hoping to get a response, but there was nothing but ringing, the same process repeated over 7 times. You then called Namjoon.

"Namjoon speaking." He answered

"Namjoon,you better tell me what you have done to my parents, I took care of the government searchers and told HR there was nothing, I upheld my promise."

"Ah, your parents?"

"Yes." You said with anger

"They decided it would be fun to visit me and my other members after we landed in London, that's on them."

"No, they didn't know you were in the UMK!" You fired back

"Everyone has connections." Then he hung up.

You sat on the ground just emotionless, you knew your parents didn't survive if they ran into the UMK. You couldn't even cry because you never trusted your parents and you knew one day this would happen. But you just stood in the living room and sank down into the floor. Just for a little bit you let everything set in. You were already prepared for this. Plus you hadn't even seen them in 10 years so it was as if they were already gone.

Yeontan came over to you and sat not on your lap. You got up and gave it more food before icing your throbbing ankle, laying down to take a nap.

You woke up to your phone ringing, you sat up and grabbed it off the kitchen counter to see that it was from Tae, you quickly answered it with a bright and peppy voice, forgetting what had happened the last time you saw him.

"Hi Tae!"

"Hi Y/N, I was wondering if you could check my room for some lyrics? I left some back and they should be in the drawer in my nightstand. When you find them, please take a picture of them and send the first 5 pages to me." you could tell he was a wreck and needed them quickly.

"Yes, of course, I will do that ASAP."

You put the phone in your back pocket and ran to Tae's room. You searched his nightstand until you found a notebook, you looked at the first five pages and they were lyrics, you quickly took pictures and sent them. After you did you saw your name on one of the pages. You looked at it and your name was crossed out and honey was put in place, this wasn't just in one part too, there were multiple times on the pages where it said that and was crossed and replaced.

You giggled a little to yourself but then remember Namjoons words. You closed the book and put it in the drawer where you found it. You went to the kitchen and made yourself an early dinner, and ate it next to Yeontan. You then put his leash on and went for a run with him because you went on runs at this time (out of habit, and your ankle was feeling better after icing it)

You ran until Yeaontan needed to rest. You sat down on a bench and heard your phone ring.

'Who is it this time.' You thought

You answered it without checking the caller I.D. and hear Tae speaking

"Y/N, where did you go?"

"I went on a run with Tannie, wait, how do you know I'm not home?"

Tae hung up the phone on you

'That bastard' you thought and chuckled to yourself.

You stood up and started to walk back home so you could freeze your now throbbing ankle again. You got home and took the leash off of Tannie, then went and sat on the couch with and ice pack in your ankle.

After a long time the ice pack had melted and you took it off and froze it again, then went to the bathroom to take a shower. As soon as you stepped into the shower, you started crying.

Your parents that you loved so much died, and you kept saying 'it's my fault' over and over, even though it wasn't. You couldn't seem to wrap your head around how Namjoon got into the UMK. You had to be either born or recruited by a member and there is a way that he could have made his way up into the position he is in without being born into it, but you would have fought or known about him at some point.

Why is he in BTS if he is in the UMK? What could they possibly need him for? You kept crying and thinking about your parents. You finished your shower and got into pajamas, tucked Yeontan into his little dog bed, then went to yours and cried yourself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2019 ⏰

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