Chapter 7

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"Tae, what's wrong?"

"I got a call from Namjoon, he said that you tried to kill him, but I didn't believe him until I read your journal-."

"I am pissed about that, but I can't tell you anything about what I did, it did involve Namjoon-"

"Are you trying to kill everyone in BTS, is that why you wanted the job?"

"You didn't fucking let me finish, it involved Namjoon, but I was in a meeting with him, I didn't even have a proper weapon with me."

"Then what's that knife in your pocket, looks like you could kill someone with it."

"I stole it off of a guard that tried to kill me, well one of them, okay?"

"y/n, this doesn't make any sense, if you want your job with me, and want me to not call the police, you better explain."

You stood there, you were doing this so you could keep your job. You couldn't tell him but you felt like you should.

"If I tell you, will I get to keep my job?" Taehyung sighed when you said that but then said

"Fine, but you need to tell me everything, your journal entries told me a lot, but I know there is stuff missing because there are pages torn out."

'They're torn out for a fucking reason.' you thought

You both walked back to his house and took off your shoes once inside. He walked to the guest room and you followed. As you were walking, it felt like a knife stabbing your ankle. You let out a quiet groan and dropped down on the ground. Tae was still walking and didn't notice anything. You quickly tried to stand up when Yeontan jumped on you in the process.

You feel back so hard that Tae turned around and quickly walked to you. He put his hand out. You used it to get up. You went into the guest room and pretended to be fine when you walked. You quickly sat on the bed.

"Why would you believe what Namjoon said?" you asked

"Because I trust him." You scoffed

"I have learned to never trust anyone-"

"Just because your parents wanted to be safe and left you doesn't mean you can't trust them. Why didn't you tell them about your PTSD, or how you got depression after you had to live with William for a few years?" Tae said cutting you off

"Did it ever cross your mind that maybe I didn't trust them enough?" You raised your voice

"So you have never trusted anyone?"

"I never said that."

"Then who did you trust last? What did they do that made you trust them? If you can't even trust your own parents, yet you killed people for a living and-"

"I trust YOU!" you yelled

Tae just stood there, he didn't know how to respond, and honestly, you didn't know the right way for him to respond either. He walked over to you and wiped tears coming out of your eyes that you didn't even know were there. He sat next to you and pulled you into a hug and held you close

"I'm sorry." he said

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