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Yes truely manik was happy that nandini is worried for him but this is also true that he couldn't breathe because of his caller grabbing and his face was getting more and more red.
Here nandini was looking at them and manik's face was going more red with each passing second.

"Sorry muskan and navya.." nandini breathed. Saying this she went to that boy who was grabbing his callers and pushed him and make manik free.
That guy was doing as per the plan so he shouted, he was so scared from inside because it's manik's plan and if anything would go wrong then manik would've dig their grave so he shouted.

"Are you out of your mind? How dare you push me ha are you thinking i will spare you if......." The guy screeched in high pitch.

just shut up. Did you hear me just keep your mouth shut. Can't you see him, how red his face has became. Firstly tell me what were you trying to do. You are trying to kill him. What he did to get treated like this." Nandini shouted in the same tone cringing thinking that where she had taken the admission where every powerful guy is tormenting the poor one.

"He tried to take my seat." On this reasoning, Nandini left shocked. He was trying to kill a boy just because he'd taken a seat. Is it worth for choking someone.

"He tried to take your seat so you think let's take his life. You know what this college students are mentally ill and specially that manik malhotra. I know he must be your boss that's why you are harassing people here." Nandini shouted with more anger and this shocked the whole library including manik because he didn't do anything but still he was getting accused. This made him realised once again that he have to meet muskan and navya.

"Now listen to me and if your memory is weak then write it that i am taking him along with myself and i am not scared of any of you. Not you and not your manik malhotra." Saying this she hold manik's hand and take him out of the library and while coming out to the library manik again peek in and wink all of them and they smiled and he smiled back.

Manik's pov,"my girl is holding my hand right now and i am feeling out of the world. Her fingers are so soft like a jelly and i am so much attracted towards her. Why she is so beautiful that i can't even avert my gaze from her but wait where she is taking me."

Soon they were standing infront of canteen and manik remind and talked to himself in his mind," Oh god! she took me to canteen but mukti and my friends are also in canteen. Wait i am the manik malhotra and if someone shouted or whispered this and she got to know she will dig my grave here."
He was thinking suddenly he got a superb idea. He hold his head between his plam and shouted ahhhhh so that no one could see him and nandini also couldn't take him inside the canteen. Nandini ran to him and ask him what happened.

"What happened to you?" Nandini asked him worriedly. She was so worried this made manik smile and he thinks if she is so worried for a stranger like me then how much she will be worried if i would be her husband.

"Actually my head is blasting. Please take me to sickbay." Manik requested and she nodded. She took him to sickbay and make him sit on the hospital bed and give him balm but he look at it as if he didn't know what was that.

"What is this?" Manik look at the small green bottle with foreign expression making nandini chuckle and shocked both.

"you only said na that your head is aching so its balm." Nandini said forwarding the small bottle of balm in his direction.

"I don't know and i even don't know how to use it. Will you please help me?" Manik asked with a smile and nandini seem a little nervous before agreeing to him. She make him sit comfortably and start apply balm on his forhead and start to massage him.

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