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18+ chapter so read only if you're 18+

Author's pov

After the ceremony manik & nandini just take the blessing from all the elders and kabir inform them about jet arrival and viraj and nyonika take leave. They assured narayan and asked everyone to get ready for leaving.

" Narayan ji everything is ready and we are so happy that finally we are taking our daughter with us. " Viraj said and join his hands and narayan hug him suddenly.

" Nandini is very innocent please forgive her if she made any mistake in future. " Narayan said joining her hands.

" Nandini is our daughter so whatever mistakes she'll made will belongs to hers and being a mother it's my duty to teach her everything so don't worry." Nyonika said happily in excited tone.

Soon all of them came with their bags and nandini also came in red saree covering her head wearing jewelry and her bangles looking very beautiful. Soon ritual of bidai take place and all the girls covered nandini and alia cried very hard hugging nandini. Nandini was crying hiding her face in her hairs. They both were crying showing their happiness as well as grief. Soon harshad came and hugged nandini she also cried hugging him.

When she broke the hug she found narayan missing she look here and their and found him coming down from stairs with holding a big picture of her mom dad. He handed that to nandini and she sobbed hugging narayan, he was leaving a part of him so he was feeling extremely pained in his heart but it's a duty to a father to make her daughter to responsible and dutiful so that she could go and make an other family where she has to spend her whole life.

She really hugged him hard and manik just looking at all of them crying he wants to calm her but it's very hard to leave the place where we spend our whole childhood. He hold her hand secretly and finally narayan broke the hug.

" Nandini go beta. Make me proud. " Narayan creased her hairs and nandini nodded her head wiping her tears. Manik and she finally hold hands and went out where other's were behind them.

After stepping out she turned and look at her house and remember her every memory she created there. Tears were escaping but manik was beside her to hold her.

Kabir open the gate for her and manik make her sit Comfortably and then sat himself. He was all the time with her when she was crying he hold her hand tightly and intertwined their fingers together and kiss her forehead. All the friends settled themselves in cars.

Nyonika and viraj came to give last see off to narayan and alia. Alia touch their feet and nyonika kiss her cheek.

" Are alia beta?? Why are you not coming with us?? " She asked as the matter of fact but she look at nyonika and said, " Actually ma'am we will come tomorrow harshad bhai is here with us. Actually we have to pack our stuff so that's why but i'll soon come to join the college." Alia said and nyonika again kiss her forehead. " Come soon with narayan ji and, take care." She smiled and alia also smiled back.

After some hours of journey they finally reach malhotra mansion nandini found it very big and very beautifully decorated with lights and flowers.

" Nandini beta come." Nyonika again wrap her in same chunri which she had wore on her phera and put the pink stole around manik's neck. All the time manan were holding hands. Mukti came with a plate which was having a yellow liquid inside it.

" Nandini beta when a bried enter inside her house her she take a oath to protect her family that's why in this ritual you have to imprint your hands on this wall. Nandini came forward and dip her hands in the yellow liquid and then look at the wall where already 3 pairs of hands were imprinted. When nyonika open the gate nandini found every corner was decorated beautifully. Just like she imagined. She walked in the beautiful way made of roses and finally reached the main door. Nyonika went inside and came with a pooja thaal in order to welcomed them.

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