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" Bina kapdo ke........... Dekhiye everyone is looking at you as if you are a served treat before them. " Nandini stammer and manik laughed.

" Ohhh jealous..................

He said and laughed and nandini head snapped towards him. While manik look at those girls and they just hooted. Nandini look at manik and pick his shirt from nearby table and throw on his face.

" Why would i be jealous. It's just that chachaji won't like if any other girl would look at you like that. " Saying this she turned to go and manik hold her hand.

" Nandini why are you so cold towards me. Your manik just came to take you. I don't care about those girls neither your chachi and if you don't want to give a chance to me then don't but please don't marry that jerk please. " Manik said and nandini look at him sideways.

" Ohh may i know why?? Why the hell do you care about me. I am no one to you and i can marry anyone i want and yeah you are also free to do what you want. You also can marry anyone you want. " Nandini said and turn to go but manik was looking at her with pain.

" Nandini won't you feel pain if i get married to someone? " Manik asked and nandini look at him and shook her head negatively.

" Ok than nandini if you won't feel pain then i'll also do what i want without thinking about anyone. " Manik stated and wore his t-shirt and left from there. Nandini was staring his discharging back.

Nandini broke down into tears. She couldn't even handle when these unfamiliar girls look at her manik how will she handle when he'll marry someone. Somewhere she knew her happiness is only lays within manik but she is stuck?? She is stucked badly in situation and to her dismay she is just digging into it with each passing day. She want her family to be burden free that's why she doing all this and she included manik and his family & friends in her family so she's doing to save all the peoples around her.

As she descend the stairs she saw something which broke her heart into million pieces. Manik was holding alia waist and her hands were around his shoulder. She just walk and the sound of her anklet just broke their moment in her pov but matter of fact was manik was just helping alia as she was about to fall. Nandini walk passed them and heard a deep voice.

" Can't you give us a minute alone. I am going to talk to my would be wife. " Nandini heard manik's voice. Listening this alia just give him a teasing smile and went away and nandini was still showing him her back. After hearing this she assumed manik is talking to her about alia and went away hurriedly wiping her tears. Manik just looking at nandini sadly feeling sad for hurting her but only his love can brought back her into life.

Only his love could make her marriage cancel to raghav. There is only way to make her feel his love.


Nandini's room

She just went there and cried hard. Trying to control her emotions but when she saw manik with alia she felt someone stabbing her heart but she have to control yourself. She wiped off her tears and heard a knock on the door. She silently opened it and angry shikha entered inside.

" Nandini can't you leave them alone for a second. " Shikha shouted bolted the door back and nandini seemed confused. " What were you doing with manik on the terrace?? " Shikha shout just make her come back to earth 🌎 and her pain and grief just turned into anger which was boiling more and more listening those accusations.

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