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Lauren's POV

It's three in the  morning and I am down stairs thinking about everything under the sun. I have a million things on my mind and my parents did not need to be one. Twins..Twins. What if I Can't Protect them what if I can't provide what they need, I know that the contract that we signed with Simon for our brake ends in march of this coming year and then we have to get back in the public eye. By the time that time Camz will be six months pregnant and will need to be resting like the Doctor said, but I know her she won't, she doesn't want to let people down. I still do not understand what the man said to Camila, Lauren will remember this. There is only one person.

"Lolo where are you. " I looked up and seen Camila coming down the steps wearing a shirt that is now to tight around her mid section and a pair of red shorts that come up to her upper thigh and Her hair is up in a high bun. I walk over to the bottom of the stairs and held out my hand to help her down. She was three steps from the bottom of the stairs and her foot missed the step caising her to fall forword ontop ot me.

"Unf". I said as my head hit the ground and I pull her  close so she dose not take any impact.

"You OK are they OK." I ask scrambling to my feet looking over her to make sure she is OK.

"Yes my knight and shinning armour we are OK thank you for saving me once again." She smiled at me and I wrap my arms around her picking her up bridal style and went to set down on the couch with her in my arms and her legs facing long ways on the couch. I pulled the blanket sitting at the end of the couch over her so she didn't  get cold.

"Are you OK you took all of the fall?" She smiled  at me and rubbed the back of my head lightly with her fingers.

"Yeah as long as all three of you  are OK I'll  make it." I place a soft peck on her lips and she looks down at her hands.

"Lo why are you down here its like three in the morning are you OK?"

"Yeah  I'm OK I was just thinking, you know our contract with Simon. THE brake ends this year right? that means we have to go back to the busy stuff and by that time you will be six months pregnant, maybe we can talk to him and see if he will push back the time for us so that way you and the babies will be OK."

I was cut off by the sound of foot steps approaching us. "Lauren.." I heard my mom say. Camila got out of my lap and ran over to her mom, quickly trying to explain what she just heard.

"Camila". Her mom says with hurt in her voice and disappointment. Camila wrapped her into a hug but her mom pushed her back and started to yell as she  walked  over to me.

"What did you do I know that she did not choose to do this. Did you threaten a DIVORCE. Did you try to leave. This is all of your fault you bitch."

Shes right it is but not in the ways that she is thinking. My mom pushed her out of the way and took me into her arms and I cried into her shoulder, and she ran her hand through my hair rocking back and fourth on her heals smiling.

" This one will be ok. " She whispered in my ear. I seeb Camila try to grab her mom hands but with no use.

"Mama please let me explain I was.... r-".


I got out of my moms grip and ran to Camila who is laying on the ground in shock of what had just happened. I wanted to say something but she berried her face into my chest saying something that I could not make out.

"You whore I thought we raised you better than that. What did you just lay down and let it happen.. First you go against our beliefs and now you are pregnant and plan to raise a child as a Lesbian couple. That's sin full Camila! Doesn't this family mean anything to you? You are a disgrace to us all and I never want to see you again." She yells at Camila and she flinched at her words.

I will always love you (Camren)(Completed )Where stories live. Discover now