meeting the girls

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Laurens Pov.

"Isabella! Isabella Where are you".

I yell reaching the top of the stairs and she came out of the room and in to the hall crying. She looked so cute wearing my stuff even though it was way to big. Her hair was braided off to the side and the red beanie made all of her stand out, my little girl looked so pretty. She ran in to my arms and I immediately scooped her up.

"Whats wrong honey I have you baby girl please don't cry." I said taking her into my bedroom and I sat on the floor with her holding to my shirt.

"I'm scared what if they don't like me what if they make you send me back, I don't want to lose you I want to have my mommy." Her words tare through me. Look at what I have done to her. since she was three days old people have walked in to her life and walked out. This is all my fault.

"They will love you, and it doesn't matter what they think because I'm not letting you go. I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN YOUR MOMMY AND I ALWAYS WILL BE." I decide to lighten the mood,

"Um Bella?"

"Why do you keep calling me that?"She asks with curiosity in her eyes.

"What do you mean that's your name." I say with confusion.

"No mommy my name is Sarah at least that's what I have always been told." My heart sank of course they would change her name and birthday so I couldn't find her.

"Well the name I gave you when you were born was Isabella Marie Jauregui but if you have been told Sarah you can choose what you like even if its not nether one of those names." I seen her eyes light up and she kissed my cheek.

"I want my name Its so pretty, I like Isabella and Bella".Her green eyes make my heart melt and her smile o my gosh I can't contain my felt. I kissed her cheek and she smiled at me.

"Lets play a short game of 20 questions by that I mean like 5." She shrugged and bit her lip.

"Don't be nerves OK". She nods her head and I started.

"Whats your favorite color."

"That's easy purple. whats yours?"

"Green." I laugh.

"Whats your favorite band?"

"O that's easy to FIFTH HARMONY!!" I let out a laugh and look at her weard.

"Who is your favorite singer of the group?" I ask.

"I don't know I have never seen a photo of them nor do I know there names."

"Really you don't know who we are?" I ask out of curiosity. She shrugs her shoulders.

"Why do you and Cambi keep asking that." I laugh in disbelief.

"Cambi really I have heard it all." I laugh trying to get up.

"No mommy wait." I stop moving and set back down

"Whats wrong honey?" She cuddles in to my chest.

"I just want to stay like this." I kiss her head and pull her close.

"But I made cheese eggs and toast." Her head poped up with discuss.

"Ewww eggs and cheese together that cant be good are you trying to kill me.?" She asks out of sarcasm.

"If you think that's bad you need to met your aunts." I told her and I stood up and sat her down. I went to walk out the door but I felt a tug on my shirt. I turn around and seen her with her arms up.. I chuckled and sat her on my hip going down stairs.

I will always love you (Camren)(Completed )Where stories live. Discover now