Valentine's day

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Laurens POV

Three months later.

I'm not going to lie the past three months have not been easy at all but each day we get better as a whole and today is Valentine's day and I plan on doing something very nice that I think Camila  would like.

I look over at the alarm clock and see that it reads 6:09. I kissed the top of Camila's head and tried to pull my self out of bed but she tightened  her grip on me.

"I don't know where you are going but its in your best interest to get back in bed and cuddle with your wife and child." I Smiled and crawled  back in bed letting her rest her head back on my chest.

"We need to take you shopping for clothes that fit you and mine are just about to be to small for you." I look down at her belly that is diffidently protruding out 8 inches." She laughed  and stuck her tongue  out at me. I place my hand over her stomach and let it rest there. After a few minuet I feel something press againts my hand.

"Did you feel that " I asked her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"She has never kicked before." I smiled  and bent down and kissed her belly where the little kick came from.

"Can you do it again for me please?" I ask in a really Sweet almost childish voice. Camila chuckled at me but it worked she kicked seven or eight times before Camila started to get uncomfortable and I laughed.

"You fucker that hurts after a while." she laughed looking at me. I rolled off onto the floor and started laughing. I finally got up and stood at the end of the bed and crossed my arms and put on my serious face.

"Karla Camila Cobello Jauregui, don't you use that language around your

She laughed getting up and standing in front of me on the bed sitting on her knees. She took my face in to her hands and kissed me with a lot of passion. She worked her way down my jaw line finding my pressure point and sucking on it.

"Camz no your pregnant I don't want to do this while there is a human in side of you."

"Listen Lauren you do it willingly or not this is happening right now." She kissed my lips with a smirk before deepening  the kiss quickly.

"OK I give." I said laying her down on the bed and taking her shirt off with her shorts soon following.

"Move over baby your mom is a little horn dog and needs my help it will be over soon she is always quick." I smiled and smirk at Camila who has one eyebrow cocked. I laughed  and quickly get to work.


I got back  up about 8:30 making sure not to wake up the prego monster and take a shower and brush my teeth. I wrote a quick note and went down stairs and sat out a fruit platter for her for breakfast, and walk out of the house setting every thing up.

Camila's POV

I woke up feeling more relaxed than I have in a while. I stretched my arms over to where Lauren is but she was not there. Instead I found  a note and a glass of chocolate milk.

" Happy valentines day Camz.

I told you that you would not last long. Never underestimate the power of the great Jauregui. ;)

I know that the past few months have been really hard but we have got through them together and I would not have ever wanted it another way. But you will not be sad today you will be happy because I have wonderful surprise for you. I need you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened in my life.

I will always love you (Camren)(Completed )Where stories live. Discover now