Laurens Past

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Camila's POV.

Later that night.


"Ugh LO get it." No movement.

"Lauren. Never mind I'll do it my self." I huffed and walked out of our bedroom.

I pulled myself out of bed and looked at the clock. 3:16 am. Who in the world could this be. I walked down the stairs turning all of the lights on. "I'm coming, I'm coming hold on."

I reach the bottom of the stairs and hear crying coming from the outside of the door. I turn on the outside light and open the door.

"Hello?" I ask and then look down and see a child sitting against the door frame with her knees pulled up to her chest sobbing.

"Honey you ok?" I asked bending down next to her but get no answer. "Please come in here its like 30 degrees out here I'll get you some blankets" I stood up and walked over to the closet and grab a thick blanket, left the door open. I walked back to the door just as she stood up to walk in.

"Camz what are you doing dow..." she trailed off as she seen the little girl.

She had long brown hair that curled at the ends just drooping below her shoulder blades. She had pail skin and dirt covered her almost making it hard to see her eyes. She looked to be about 5-6 and was absolutely beautiful but so small at the same time. I look back at Lauren and see that she made it to the bottom of the steps and had her hand covering her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Lauren's POV.

No it can't be I'm just seeing things.

It Can't be her.

I walk over to her and took her in to my arms for a hug and rub the back of her head and back.

"Shhh baby its OK I'm here." I said softly. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I stood up and walked to the couch setting her on my lap holding her like she could disappear at any moment.

"Lo do you know her?" Camila asked with sympathy in her voice looking at me rubbing my shoulder.

"I....I..I'm not sure." Tears are running down my face as the little body shifts in my arms looking at me for the first time.

"Are you Lauren?" She asked scared to know the answer.

"Yes, why." I ask with just as much fear in my voice.

"I....I..I'm your daughter."

MY heart sank as reality hit me. How did she find me, how did she know? Why is she here.

I felt tears running freely down my cheeks, and two fist and a head barried them self's into my chest.

"Lauren whats going on." Camila asked taking a seat on the couch.

"I can't right now camz, wait tell shes asleep." She nodded and took the child from me and walked up the stairs to the bathroom to bath her. I wanted to yell at her to give her back but this was Camila she wouldn't take her.

This is a part of my past that I would rather not relive, but I always had her on my mind.

Camila come back down the stairs with tears in her eyes sitting on my lap.

"Whats wrong?" I ask even tho I shouldn't be talking now.

"Lo, have you lied to me, have you lied to all of us?" She asks with tears flooding her cheeks.

"Camz I'm sorry." She stood up and went to walk back towards the stairs. She turns around looked me straight in to my eyes with this hurt look on her face.

I will always love you (Camren)(Completed )Where stories live. Discover now