chapter 2

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Allys POV

Finally I have a moment to my self. Andrew was up early crying because of a bad dream. I look over the side of his crib and rubbed  the side of his tear stained cheeks making my way to cup his face.

"I love you " I said softly and I smiled  and kiss his head. I walk down the hall making my way to my room. I pull back the white sheet and blanket then snuggle up to the side of my pillow. Troy, I miss him so much and I know he Will be back soon but I let the tears over come me with worry. Troy is in the army and has been diploid for a little over one and a half years. No! to be exact one year seven months  and twenty-seven days. Two days after he left I gave birth to Andrew. My little prince, and for now my only little bundle of joy! When my parents found  out I was pregnant they wanted nothing to do with me. I wasn't married so they took Andrew as a sin that should have never have happened. So while Troy was gone I really didn't have any help except from the girls especially Lauren. She was at the hospital and even stayed here for the few weeks so I could get some rest during the night.

I close my eyes and decided to take advantage of the time I had  to sleep.


"Ally".... "Ally".... someone was shaking me and they were sobbing uncontrollably. I open my eyes to see Camila Standing off to the right of my bed holding herself. She met my eye contact and falls to the ground. "Mila please come here." I said to the small girl and I open my blanket so she can get in.

With out hesitation she crawled in bed and wraped her fist in to my shirt and brought her knees up to her chest sobbing laying on hers side. I wrap my arms around her small frame held  her to me. "shh Shhh its OK whats wrong". I ask stroking the top of her head.

"I .....Can't....Lauren..." That was it that was all she said. The sobs got more violent and she pulled her self closer. "Camila please. Is Lauren alright?" I ask with panic in my voice. With out raising her head she mumbles "Yeah for now until I have to tell her."

I pulled back and sat up and looked at Camila as she rested her back against the head board with her legs out in front of her. She played with her fingers as the sobs became quiet.

"Whats wrong " I ask calmly rubbing her knee with my hand. She didn't say a word,  but her actions explain it all. She pulled her self up so that way she is sitting Indian style on the bed. She runs her hands through her hair Until it meets the bun that is placed in top of it. She then lowred one had and rested it on her stomach and looked  at me with panic in her eyes.

"O God Camila". I am shocked how could Camila do this.

" Who did you cheat with". I asked not really wanting to know the answer. She looked up and opened her mouth with nothing coming out.

"Camila please tell me I am here for you please." I begged after a few moments of silence she spoke up.

"I didn't cheat Ally...... I was raped." The words hit me like a brick wall. She pulled her knees up to her chest and buried her head into them.

"Dose Lauren know? Who was it? When did this happen." I asked in an overwhelming statement of questions.

She looked up at me and opened her arms so that I could hold her. She rested her head on my chest and began to talk.

"No Lauren does not know I tried to tell her this morning but I couldn't so I came here. And as for who I really don't know. I was home alone because Lauren was gone and I  was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast and I decided to take a nap. I went up stairs to take a nap because I knew that the house was locked all except my bedroom window but its on the second floor and no one would be able to enter in it.... so I thought." She Took a deep breath and continued.

I will always love you (Camren)(Completed )Where stories live. Discover now