chapter 1

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No one's prov

After soviet's death his children took over his land. Russia got the most because he is the eldest son of ussr . Russia doesn't really gets along with his siblings but his father loved him the most. When he died he was devastated. He blamed America for that and America hated Russia too actually America hated russia more than Russia hated America. Tomorrow is the world wide countries meeting especially to introduce the new countries and to pay reaspect to the late once (who died).

America's prov

"Shit! I am late for the meeting " I said as I got ready for the meeting .
At the meeting
"Finally here . But still no one is here. Every body must be inside " I thought as I ran . I got in the meeting Hall and boy I was right everyone were all ready assembled. I sat on my site next to this tall guy that I didn't recognize. But as he saw me his eyes started to fill with hatred. So, I just chose to ignore him. UN started paying respect to the once who passed (died) and when ussr's turn came I made that whatever face . I saw the tall guy next to be kinda sad . I thought "he must be new here and his father or mother must have passed away".Then UN started calling the new countries. When ussr's children's turn came " The eldest son of ussr please come to the stage "UN called out. Then the guy next to me got up and started walking to the stage , he got there on the stage and started introducing himself. Now I knew why he looked at me with hatred when he first looked at me. He had other siblings too but he was too similar to his father his personality, hight , the way he looks and the way he dresses. He is also the in charge of all the nukes and most of the land but not his siblings. After he introduced himself he came back and sat down next to me. This time I was looking at him with hatred and so was he .

Russia's prov

I can't believe I had to sit next to that guy!. And he didn't even recognize me. If he hates me and my dad he should have known who I was."hey! Russia why so grumpy "asked Kangastan" None of ur business "I replied as I rushed out of the Hall and Kangastan shouted" That is why no one likes u".As I rushed out I in hurry I wasn't looking at were I was going and I crashed into a smaller country and tripped on top of him. Our faces almost touched. And then I saw that the country I tripped on top of was America. I quickly got up apologized and ran away. We both were blushing, I don't know why.
At home

America's prov

"shit that was a bad day , wasn't it? " I thought to myself. I got to sleep.
Where am I? Where is this? I was inside a Mazie. I started to walk I did know where I was going but I walked and walled then I saw a country sleeping on a bed. He looks so handsome . And noticed that it was Russia. As I saw him I pulled out a gun and pointed at him. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. Then Russia suddenly stood up and caught my hand removing the gun that I was pointing at him and threw it away . He touched my cheeks with both of his hands while I was frozen and kissed me. I tried to knock him off but he was too strong but when he stopped kissing me to breathe I knicked him and turned back than there was ussr pointing the gun at me and he pulled the trigger.

Russia x America (I hate you I love you)Where stories live. Discover now