chapter 4

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Next day
No one's prov

Russia woke up and saw naked America sleeping on the sofa with a mark on his neck. He found out what he had done when he was drunk . He got dressed and opened the door and returned home as soon as possible. (Yes the door was never locked) soon America woke up and thought of what happened last night and blushed hard and also got really mad. He saw that the door was open and he was confused how it was open . He feared that someone had seen him like this or Russia had the key all along and just hid it to Do those stuff. He got up and dressed and left.

America's prov

"WTF was that brat thinking? He hates me but likes me? " I thought as I went back home. In my office my assistant was waiting for me. "Where were u? " He asked "nowhere " I replied "we have papers to fill and a bridge has fallen causeing 20 deaths " He said. I filled the papers and do my other works. I tried to stop thinking about what had happened but couldn't. "Excuse me " My assistant said "yes"" It has been announced that there will be meeting every month next meeting is on October 20 in Russia Moscow"he said .

One day left for the meeting

I got to Moscow and stayed in a hotel. I had heard ntg about Russia. "He raped me but still why do I miss him?" I thought to my self .

On the day of meeting

Again I have been sited next to Russia on becnch no. 4 and Russia no. 5.I sat next to Russia I tried to make eye contact but he didn't look at me and just ignored me. I got angry. After the meeting I saw poland getting close to Russia. I stood there frozen with anger and jealousy "why is Russia letting her get close to Russia" I thought as I grabbed Russia's and dragged him as he asked "where are u taking me? " "I have to talk to u" I replied. I took him to a storage room. "Why are u ignoring me after what u have done to me? " I growled "sorry it is just that after what I have done to u I can't stay with u" He replied "after Confecing ur feelings to me" I growled "don't u hate me? " He asked "I do but.... " He kissed me and said "I hated u but now I love u America. Please tell me that u love me too " He said ".. I l-lo-ve u" I said as I blushed hard with Embarrassment but still happy. And then we shared a kiss. "Will u mind staying at my place to night " He asked "no not at all" I replied. But first I gotta tell my assistant.

At Russia's place
Russia's prov

"Ur room is a mess but ur home except ur room is great" America said "ya I don't really clean my room I like it as a mess " I replied. We ate dinner and went to bed . "Can I where ur ushanka? " America asked "ya sure" I replied . He wore my ushanka and looked the cutest. I clicked a pic. "Did u just clicked a pic of me? " He asked "yes" I replied "fine " He said. When I was almost a sleep America kissed me waking me up. "I won't let u sleep" He said .As he kissed me deeper . He undressed me and him self he started sucking my xxx. "U aren't that good at it" I said he didn't answer and continued. I kept my hands on his head and pushed it deeper and came. He started to push me to breathe and started causing. After that I kept him on the bed and said I will show u how it is done. I said as I started to suck his xxx he started to moan. And I knew he was enjoying it. He came pretty fast. "That was fast. Did u like it? " I asked. He didn't reply. "After that he sat on top of me and started to put my xxx inside him. Because he was done it by himself this time he was slower. As he moved he moand out loud and when I came inside him he moaned out" Ahhhhhh~" . And then I kissed him when we stopped kissing the saliva made a bridge that joined his and my mouth. Later. "I saw u in my dream onece I usually forget my dreams but I still remember that dream " He said as I thought that he did forgot that dream because I was there. "I was inside a Mazie. I started to walk did know where I was going but I walked and walled then I saw a country sleeping on a bed. He looks so handsome . And noticed that it was u. As I saw u I pulled out a gun and pointed at u I didn't know what the hell I was doing. Then u suddenly stood up and caught my hand removing the gun that I was pointing at u and threw it away . U touched my cheeks with both of his hands while I was frozen and kissed me. I tried to knock u off but u were too strong but when u stopped kissing me to breathe I knicked u and turned back than there was ussr pointing the gun at me and he pulled the trigger."

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