chapter 5

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Russia's prov

Then? "I asked" I woke up. It was a nightmare"he replied"so that is why he still remembers that dream no a nightmare "I thought ." And how are gonna tell our families that we are in a relationship? "He asked " Let it be a secret for now "I replied " Ok "he said. " Hey wanna go for a date" I asked "ya sure! " He replied. "Let go to a quite place where there is no one but only us " I said "What about Hawaii" America "no, let's go somewhere in Nepal it is quite and people there don't really know about who we are "I said "Nepal where ?"America said "sagarmatha national park it is a beautiful place filled with natura and less people .Just like the place I want"I said "ok then when are we going?"the day after tomorrow .I will do all the booking "I replied.
In the morning he left. While I was doing paper works. My phone started to ring. It was a cal from Poland.
Russia - Hello
Poland - where did America take u last night after meeting.
Russia - just for a talk
Poland - what talk?
Russia - why do u need?
Poland - fine bye
"That girl has been getting on my nerves"I thought."well to go on a date with wait is that even a date we be there for like a week Does that count as a date ?well whatever I am gonna be with America and that is the main thing and I have to finish as much as paper works . I forgot to book what is had to book shit "I thought as I panicked .I finished booking and finished as much works I could and also told my assistant that I won't be here for few days . Thankfully she didn't question .

At the day of the date
America's prov

"Ready to go?"he asked" yes "I replied we got on the plane and went Nepal ."ya the fact that we are going Nepal and we are the leaders of two great countries the news might spred and fast .I wish it doesn't if it does and everyone finds out that we are in a relationship we have to face .what if they ask us how to all started am I suppose to say that he rapped me .And I am dating my rapest . And I wish that I don't bump into Nepal.."I thought"what are u thinking about?"asked Russia "all the bad things that can happen "I replied"don't worry I am with u "I said "that is why I am worried "I replied"why " he asked"because we are the leaders to two great countries and we are going on a date what if people find out"I replied "don't worry if something bad happens we can face it "he said " that doesn't help"I said .
We reached Nepal's Kathmandu . The capital city of Nepal. It was great the view from the valley was beautiful the view I had never seen in my life was there . Then we took a bus and went to sagarmatha national park. On the way I could see alot of Indians for some reasons idk . We got in the hotel at 5pm and rested coz I we were sick .
And he was correct no one gave us a look because foreigners are common here . "Wait foreigners "I thought and asked Russia" foreigners are common here,right?'"ya""then won't the foreigners know who we are ?"I asked "oh ya I totally forgot about that "what do u mean by u forgot ?""but that's fine" "no it isn't ""relax just enjoy".what done was done so I chose to relax and give a crap about the world .We ate different kinds of foods and they were tasty . The view of the hills, mountain, valleys, forest , rivers ,caves were wonderful."where are u ?"I asked"idk"he replied " wait u don't know where we are ?""ya""are we lost?""yes ig".And we where lost . But thank fully we found a way out .
After few days left "did u enjoy "he asked"ya I did "I replied .I wish no one recognized us .

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