chapter 7

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Great just great like every thing was fine before.
I got a call form Russia. I didn't want to talk so I ignored it. And fell a sleep and wake up the next day and check my phone I realized that Russia has called me 31 times. Then he calls me again.
This time I picked up the phone.
Russia - where were u? Why didn't u pic up the phone? Are u all right?
America - I am fine. I fell a sleep.
Russia - the video was delete.
America - what is the point of deleting it now?
Russia - .... I got a call from Georgia and my other siblings they weren't that happy about our relationship but weren't against it.
America - I am breaking up with you.
Russia - but why... You don't have to end I'm
I cut the phone
I don't know what I did I was out of my mind.
(Every country saw that video)
The day of meeting.
I have to go to the meeting I can't miss it even if I want to. I wander what will happen.
I got to the meeting sat on my site and soon Russia did. "Before the meeting starts I would like to call poland " UN said " I am very sorry for what I have done I should have done it. I apologize America and Rus- "she was cut off by me " It is over. Our relationship is over. " . Everyone looked at us with shock. "But u 2 love each other . Tell me this is a lie Russia " Asked Bangladesh . Russia didn't answer. "If this meeting is going to be about this topic I am out of here " I said. "No, we just wanted u 2 to be together without any.. Disturbance ." It was just that you 2 we're enemies but still u loved each other so it was odd"said nato." Just continue with the meeting " I said .
After the meeting
Every one were silent no one interracted accept my old man . "Son I have to talk to u." He said "why? What do u want? I did what u wanted. I left Russia. So, just leave me alone now " I said "as he stood there frozen " I am sorry! I regret what I have done to you! I am sorry that I am not the kind of father you deserve "he said as he nearly cried. I round back " Dad... . I can't bring myself to hate u "I said as I hugged him. " Sorry... "He said.
I decided to stay at his place for few days .

UK's prov

At my place. " UK used to be the best country there every was. Everyone knew me. But now it's ur turn "i said " Ya "america replied " So, want about Russia "i asked " Idk I will just forget about him " America replied "I don't think u can " I said " How "I asked " Because I am ur father "I replied" Actually I also can't forget about a person. I didn't wanted America to feel the same. But I made it worse "I thought to my self. " What are u thinking about? "America asked " Just thinking where ur France is "I replied" Oh! Ya . Where is mom. I haven't seen her in ages . Wait isn't she suppose to be in France "he asked " Oh ya I forgot! Hahaha. I am getting old aren't I "I said.
The day after tomorrow
He left. It was fun to spend time with ur kid. When u couldn't when he was young.

Russia x America (I hate you I love you)Where stories live. Discover now