chapter 11(final)

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America's prov

Today is the wedding day finally. Everyone we invited are here . As I walk through the allies with my father I can see Russia waiting on the stage. I got there I got very nervous. "I promise that until my last breath even in the heaven I will protect you be with u in every problem u have and love you is my promise" Said Russia "I have always loved u and always will even in heaven sacrifice my self to you I will always be faith full too you and always speak the truth and never leave u is my promise" I said.

You have expressed your love to one another through the commitment and promises you have just made. It is with these in mind that I pronounce you husbands

No longer simply partners and best friends, you have become husbands and can now seal the agreement with a kiss.

Today, your kiss is a promise.

You may kiss now.

We kissed as every one cheared and clapped. My mom is the happiest . This is the best Day every. Ya some of them are homophobic and are against gay marriage and some of them don't even know that 2 males can get married but I don't care I am just happy to finally be with him.
(And they put their engagement rings....)

We cut the cake and danced it was great. Almost everyone was drunk especially Russia. What his father did to me I will never forget and what Russia did to me I will never forget.

After a year
Alex's prov

"I have to tell you something " Said the woman "yes" I replied "You are getting adopted!" Said the woman .I was so happy that I was frozen"finally "I thought " Let's go to meet them "she said. We got inside a room and there were 2 men sitting on a bench " They are your parents "she said . They came infront of me and said" Hi alex we are your parents "." Hi who is my and who is my dad? "I asked . They laughed and said" We both are your dads"."but how? "I said " You will understand slowly "said the taller dad " Dad"I said to the taller dad "he called me dad! He called me dad. Did you here that America! " The taller dad started to laugh and smile with joy as he carried me. "Dad"I said this time to the smaller dad. " She I mean he called me dad! Give I will carry him! "He carried me with joy. The 4 years old me didn't understand anything . " You can name me "I said" Really? "Said the smaller dad " Why don't you like your name "the taller dad asked " It is because I want to be named by my new parents "I said. So they named me rusame . It was a unusual name but that's fine. " What are your names? "I asked " I am Russia "said Russia dad " And my name is America "said America dad " Why did you choose me? "I asked " Because you are just like us "said America dad " Ya just look at the mirror "said Russia dad . I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked just like them. The stars part from America dad and the lag of my Russia dad I was like combination of them. " My heart chose you "said America dad" Yes"said Russia dad "America dad you are like a mom " I said. Russia dad started to laugh so hard and America dad smiled at my innocence and said "ya I am ".
We started to live together. We had many relatives why grandparents ,uncles and aunts.i asked my parents that we're is Russia dad's parents they replied" They are long gone they passed away years ago " .Time passed and I started to know them even better. They are the leaders to Russia and America back then I was too young to notice that. They said that I will rule their land once their time is gone. Other kids tease me because my parents are gay. Once one kid hit me but little did he knew that I was the strongest alpha in the class . I was holding back these bullying for days but now I will not hold back. I slammed that kid on the hard ground and looked back at his friends. They were scared as heck. Instead of saving him they ran away. "You call them friends? " I asked as I walked away.
And they lived happily ever after .... Or did they? na they did just some wars through out their life and also ww3.

Russia x America (I hate you I love you)Where stories live. Discover now