chapter 3

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Russia's prov

I woke up on my bed. "What happened? I was in the party drinking." I thought. Knock knock "come in" I answered "do u remember anything " Asked Georgia. "No.what happened? " I asked you blacked out "he replied " Did u bring me here ? "I asked " Yes I did "Georgia replied" Thanks"I said "I am leaving now " Georgia said as he walked out of my room. I did my morning routine after I was done I started doing my paper works. My phone starts to rings
I picked up the phone
UN - is this Russia speaking?
Russia - yes
UN - tomorrow at 10 am there is a meeting. You have been invited
Russia - A meeting why? We just had a meeting 3 days ago
UN - to talk about the war. Now no questions a just come.
"A war wtf is he talking about? " I said to my self. I called china
Russia - do u know about the meeting?
China - yes
Russia - who are having a war and why am I not informed about it?
China - what the hell are u talking about? We are having a war. I, u and nk against sk, America and Japan .
Russia - aren't America and Japan enemies?
China - well not anymore
Russia - and I didn't know about the war coz I was drunk
China - bye

In the meeting
America's prov
"I remember ntg about what happened and about the war. Actually I don't even want to be involved in this war what was up with me? ."I thought " Let talk about the war now . How did this all started at the first place "UN asked " It started because nk has dug a lot of hole on the border "said sk" The holes are there for them coal "nk replied" But there aren't any coal there! "Said sk " There is "said nk " I am sure that u duh those holes for something else "said sk" No! " Said nk"so, this is how all this started "said UN " What do u have to say china? "Asked EU " I will always be there for nk "said china and nk blushed a bit " What about u Japan "asked EU" I am his Allie "replied Japan " And Russia what about u? "Asked UN " I didn't want to be involved don't want a war. I took part in the war because I was drunk."replied Russia "same as Russia" I replied "who wants the war to end? " Nato asked "I " Said Russia and America "if nk wants to said china " Idk ask sk"said Japan "fine let's end it" Said sk "end it" Said nk. "Fine then the war now ends " Announced UN. Well that was fast and easy.
After meeting
"Everyone let go drink " Said Japan . Everyone did despite being enemies everything was going back to normal . After the drink I went to rearch for the bathroom and went inside a room "is this the bathroom? " I thought as a much taller country came in and said "is this the bathroom?  Then I recognized his voice he was Russia he looked, sound and acted very drunk. Then the door closed locking us in the room . I started shouting and calling for help but no one answered the phone was out of battery. So I asked for Russia's phone " Hey, Russia can u give me ur phone? "I asked " Why? "He asked " To call for help "" Why ? "" Can't u see that we are stuck here ? "" Oh! Ya we are stuck here. "He said as he gave me his phone"" No signal! Just great "I growled" When are we ganna get out of here? "He asked " I don't know. Until help comes I guess "I replied" Do u know something? "He asked" No, and I don't wanna talk to u so just stay quite. "I don't wanna talk to u either but I gotta tell u something" He said "spit it out " I growled "when I my dad died I hated u so much that is can't even explain but after I met u in person things have started to change. Ya I hate u but I also like u" He said as I sat there shocked "I gotta pee " I said and ignored him as he started to walk to wards me while I was peeing on the corner of the wall. He held my xxx "wtf are u doing " I shouted as I tried to push him away but he was too strong. "I told u that I liked u . I didn't wanted too be involved in the war because I didn't want to harm u "he said as he started to rub the tip of my xxx. I started to moan and shake. " U are so weak"he said as he kissed me. "S -stop" I said. He bit me on my neck marking me. Finally I came. "You have never had done this before had you he asked? "As he started to such my xxx " A ah ah ah ~"I started to moan as he sucked my xxx . I came all inside his mouth and then he kissed me sharing my cum with me. He started to unbutton me and started to twisting my nip and I moaned as he did . After he was done with my nip he started to undress my pants and boxer. He put his 2 fingers inside me. I started to moan even louder. "Stop~" I said and then he started to undress his pants and boxer revealed his xxx it was a big. "N-no s-stop" I said . He carried me to the old sofa there was. He started to put it inside me. "Can I move? " He asked. I didn't reply. He started to move. Everytime he moved I moaned out ah!. He got faster and faster and I started to moan louder and louder. His xxx was fully inside me than he trust in me and came. "AHHH! " I cried out. I was filled with his cum.

Russia x America (I hate you I love you)Where stories live. Discover now