chapter 8

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One day left for the meeting (coz ntg happened for a month)

America's prov

"This the meeting is in Russia ?" I asked to my assistant."yes"he replied."fine then you can leave now"I said "yes"he said and then left.

On the day of meeting

I got on the flight and went Russia.Otheres weren't there yet but the reporters were and Russia too. " Are you and Russia in a relationship sir? "Asked a reporter " Were"I replied as I pushed them away. They kept asking questions but I chose too ignore them and started to walk out of the airport. Then Russia came and gave me his hand for a hand shake. It would be impolite to not accept it in front of everyone so, I shook his hand. And walked out of the airport. I got to the meeting hall where all the United Nations were waiting. I sat on my spot we didn't talk because of what had happened. They were talking to each other but after I arrived everyone were silent. Soon everyone arrived and so did Russia who sat next to me. The meeting began.
After the meeting
"What the flight has been cancelled? " I asked "yes,and it fly after the storm ends" The guy in the airport replied. I was the only one who's flight was cancelled so I booked a room in the hotel for a night. I wanted to drink so went to a bar . I sat on one of the bench of the bar and started to drink. Then a man came next to me and said" so you and Russia are in a relationship? "" No, we broke up a month ago"I replied . I could see that the country Was very drunk so I tried to stay as far as possible. "Do u know what you did? You made our leader gay and left him. Trapped him and left him. The hurts him!! " He said as he punched me. That man was obviously homophobic and also a great follower of his leader."listen I broke up with him because no one accepted us together! "" But I did I was fine with it then you left. Since then he has been drinking more and more and not properly rule his land."he said "I am sorry and that is not my problem this is country so try and talk to him first!" I said "I did" He replied and started to beat me even more. He was strong and bigger than me so I was loosing. Then a tall country came in. It was Russia. "Stop that" he ordered"why?! He is the one who harmed you! "He said " I know but this is not I want "Russia said . So, he left me " No one can know what happened so keep your mouth shut or you will face consequence and u come with me."who me? "I asked " Ya you""why?""you can't go running around with those bruise can u?"said Russia "i am fine."" No you are not and u can't go the hospital either because u know why "he said " Fine ".he took me to his place and on this sofa. He went in his bathroom and came back with a first aid box. He started treating my words on my hands and legs ." Open your coat and shirt "he said. " No! "" You have to I know your were hit there too ".I refused but he forced  and opened it by himself. As he did I was all red because he opened my clothes and lso I hadn't have sex or masturbated in a long time . He saw me blush and I was sitting in a position that was attractive and I was trying to cover my xxx coz I was Turning on. "I thought you don't like me anymore" He said "I don't like you! " I said "then why are you turned on? " He asked as he removed my hand that was covering my xxx. He undressed me completely and kissed me and stopped to breathe. "Why did you break up with me? " He asked as he bit my shoulder. "Because no one liked the fact we are together even my own father didn't support me!I was living in hell! "He is still touching me" I did you even though how I felt? After that video was send? I also got all the hates from all of my 14 siblings! I too was hated but still I didn't wanted to leave you! But then u left me! ".Everything went quite . " Sorry. Sorry. Sorry! For being a fool ! For being selfish! Why I never see my mistakes? Why?! "I started crying" We can do this . We can make it alright again "" Bu but how ? "I asked. He kissed me .

The fact that I post a new chapter really fast even before getting any views because I create story in my mind and then start writing it . 2nd reason I post fast because we are having a vacation for 2 weeks or more . And after my school starts I will start to post slower ig 1 chapter in 2 or 3 days. I will be slow because I am a topper soo....... .And if there are some people who read my books except Fourth_Reich let me know. Thanks. And!! Can put a pic some Pinterest or somewhere else as my book cover. U see I don't have an animation tablet and I only have my drawing copy,pencil and colors.

Russia x America (I hate you I love you)Where stories live. Discover now