chapter 2

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"huff huff huff just a dream I hate that guy even more .But why did we blushed when he tripped on to of me?"I asked myself "I guess because he tripped on top of me and everyone saw us like that "I buzz his phone rings
UN - is it America?
America - yes
UN - You have been invited to the party .
America - what party ?
UN - we have invited every country world wide .
America - ok when and where .
UN - tomorrow at 6pm in Russia
America - in Russia?
UN - u have any problem?
America - no I will be there
" A party? weird "America thought

UN' prov

Hope fully I guess this party will unite eveyone and end enemity and war .

The day of the party

Russia's prov

" A part in my country? But why my country? It is not beautiful either it is beautiful but not as much as china, Korea, Japan etc "I thought. I went in side the hotel were the party was held the first person I saw was America As I saw him he reminded me of my father. That he was the one responsible for the death of my father. " Do u like him?"asked EU out of nowhere "n-no.why would u ask that " I asked "coz u have been starring at him for quite a long time now " He replied. "Yes I was starting a him coz I hate him " I growled "hmm he doesn't really know you, does he? U should go introduce ur self."" B-but I already did in the meeting "I said " But not in person "he said as he dragged me to America. " H-hello I -I I am ru- Ru-ssia "I Desittated and pulled out my hand for a handshake surprisingly he shooked my hand and said " I am America "." Be friends bye"said EU as he left "h-hey wait" I said but EU left. "Why did you shake my hand back? " I asked "it would be impolite to not shake some one'hand if they want. Actually I shook your hand to be polite in ffont of EU. And why did u introduce ur self to me? " He asked "because EU forced me to. Otherwise I didn't even wanted to look at ur face " I said "oh is it. Are u Gelouse that I am handsome ? " He asked "no it just that u were the one who murdered my father " I said. "No I wasn't it is the rule that the leader of the country that loose will be executed and the land will be taken by the country that won. Be thankful that I didn't take ur land.kid! " America replied"I am not a kid! I am just 6 years younger than u! "But still u are just 18 and 24 that means u are a kid! " Said America "And if u had not defeated my dad he would have never been executed .! "" He was the one who betrayed me! "America Growled. " There must be a reason "I said " And what was it? To rule the world? "Said America. I was speechless. Than South Korea asked "why don't u 2 have a drinking competition". " I am in "I said " I ma in too"America said. "Everyone America and Russia are ganna have a comition who will drink the most bottles of vodka " Sk announced ".Every one knew that I would win.
I won I drank 7 bottles of vodka and America could only drink 3 . " Loser "I said" Who are u calling a loser . I defeated ur father and now I will defeate u! "He said. Before I could say anything Sk shouted " Know ur place nk. "" I should know my place? U are the one who should know ur place. ".Just like that they started cursing each other to start a war and how they will win. And UN , EU etc were trying to stop them. " Who are on my side shouted Sk" America and Japan supported Sk and I and china supported nk. The war was settled. We all were drunk so we didn't know what was going on.

Russia x America (I hate you I love you)Where stories live. Discover now