// Luke // 7 //

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I was pissed, absolutely and utterly pissed. Zach was pissing me off; he always has even when we were younger. We knew each other from birth due to our parents; this meant that we grew up together until me and my parents moved away to Australia when I was 14. He always got on my nerves; he pointed out that he was older than me, even though it is like by about 4 months and just made fun of me as I was always lanky and nerdy.

Earlier when he called Eliza a bitch, I snapped. He has probably know Eliza for a few years but even I knew that they hardly talked, how can he judge her and say she is a bitch when he has barley even talked to her? He can't, that's how!

It just pisses me off at how he judged her, at least I have more right to judge her as I have actually gotten to know her a bit more, I have only known her for a week but I converse with her everyday face to face and through text and I have learnt more about her than he has. I have learnt that she loves music and will listen knit whenever she can, she likes to mouth along to the song as she will know all the worlds but won't sing as she says she can't. She loves art with a passion and will start to draw eyes in her books when she is bored. I know that when she is enjoying herself she pays very close attention to what is happening and her eyes widen in interest.

I need to stop, Eliza is like alcohol, she is intoxicating and she has gone into my bloodstream and taken over me thoughts and feeling and it is the best feeling in the world but also terribly confusing.

I know she is sitting opposite me right now and isn't being impatient; she is waiting for me to calm down and I have now. Just the thought of her calms me down. When I look up into her eyes, all of my previous thought just leave me head; her eyes are so captivating, they are the richest blue I have seen but they also fade into a turquoise nearer the centre with white flecks throughout. Looking into her eyes has completely cleared my kind so I decide to stand up from my stool and find something to eat for us both.

I walked over to the cupboard and started opening every single one of them to find something to eat. We have lots of soup but no one ever eats it so I don't know why we have so much. After a while I gave up looking and turned my head around to see Eliza still at the breakfast bar.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked her with a shy smile. I feel like she is waiting for me to explode with emotions, which is possible but I want her to trust me and not be worried about me. She smiled back at me and looked up, thinking about her answer.

"Spaghetti!" She shouted in reply, it made me jump a little bit but she didn't notice so I gave her a bigger smile. She made me have a weird feeling that made me happy when she smiled, it was like sudden warmth. I turned around and looked for all of the correct ingredients I needed. I put the water onto boils after I opened the packet. I she saw my face right now she would probably would have thought I was weird as I was grinning like a child at Christmas. Eliza just made me happy when I was with her and I can't get enough of it, it all seems so surreal.

"What do you want with it?" I ask her, not turning around as I was still smiling broadly.

"Err, sausages?" She replies but she doesn't seem so sure of her answer. I chuckle at her confusion at her own answer and nod slightly so that she knows I heard her. I walk over to the fridge to check if we have sausages, which we do sink get them out and put them in a pan. I turn the oven on and wait for it to heat up. Once it had heated I put the sausage in and at that point I put the pasta into the boiling water. I can hear her moving around on her stool and I wonder what she is doing.

"Do you want to talk about what happened up there?" I turn around slowly and walk over to the seat that is next to her. I sit down and turn to face her, I nod and my mouth opens but nothing comes out. I turn back to face forward and begin talking.

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