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Your POV

It was the day of the event and I was slightly freaking out. I didn't have anything formal enough to wear.

I was starting to think that agreeing to go with Veronica might have been a bad idea for two reasons.

The first reason is I might have unintentionally given the girl false hope that she might have a chance with me. I mean, she's a pretty girl and a great person, but I just can't see myself in a relationship with her.

The second reason this might have been a bad idea is because I've never been to an event like this before. I didn't know how to act, what to do, and currently what to wear.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on a contact, pressing the speaker button before putting it aside. It rang a few times before she picked up the call.

"Hey, love," she answered happily. "What's up?"

"Okay, I'm currently having a problem," I spoke, trying not to freak her out.

"Okay? Do you want to explain exactly what that problem is?"

"I've torn my closet apart and I don't have anything to wear. I also don't even know what I'm looking for because I don't know how formal it is, and-"

"Hey. Hey, calm down," she cut me off with a small giggle. "Look, come over to mine. My stylist just finished with my outfit and I'm sure she can figure something out for you."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Absolutely. I'll send you the address. Let me know when you're here," she said.

I agreed and we hung up the call. Pretty soon I was driving up to a large house and my GPS let me know that I had arrived.

I texted Veronica and it wasn't long before she was leading me through the hallways of the gigantic home.

"Amanda, we're back," Veronica said as she led us into a room with racks and racks of clothes.

"You must be Y/n," the blonde woman said with a smile as she shook my hand.

"That's me," I told her.

"I'll leave you two alone to get ready," Veronica said, kissing my cheek before leaving the room. "I'm going get dressed."

I blushed a little at her action as she left the room before turning back to the blonde woman. She was already scanning my body as if she already knew what I could and couldn't pull off.

"Okay," she started. "Dress or suit?"

"Suit," I told her, not having worn a dress since my high school prom.

"I'm so glad you said that," she told me with a smile as she quickly moved to a certain rack. "I have the perfect one."

She pulled out a maroon suit with a white collared shirt.

"I really hope this fits because it would be perfect," she told me as she handed me the white shirt first.

I quickly got dressed in everything she handed me. The blazer was a little small, but it wasn't noticeable.

"Perfect," she smiled. "Do you have shoes?"

"I do," I confirmed.

I brought my loafers because I figured I'd need them.

"Amanda, can you help me zip up?" Veronica asked as she walked back in the room. "I can't quite- wow."

She stopped talked when she saw me.

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