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Your POV

"That's good for the day, Camila," the producer said.

The girl in the booth gave a thumbs up before taking off her headphones. I watched as she exited the booth before walking over to the man sitting at the sound board.

"How much more do we have?" She asked him.

They were getting really close to finishing her album. She was currently almost done with all the vocals. She really was just retaking a couple of runs that she wanted to do better and putting a few final touches in other places.

"Not much," he said. "Honestly, you should be done by the end of the week. From there it's just putting it all together and making sure you like the way it sounds."

Camila's smile grew wide as she turned around to make sure I heard what he said. I smiled back at her to show her I was listening.

I was honestly so proud of her. I had gotten to watch the full production of this album being put together and I had to say, there was a lot more work put into this than I thought.

I mean, I knew creating an album was a lot of work, but I didn't think it was this much work.

"Go get some rest," Max told her with a laugh. "You've been in here working all day. We'll pick this up again tomorrow. Let's say, ten?"

"Okay," Camila nodded. "Ten works."

"Alright," Max said, giving her a thumbs up. "Good work today."

"You too," she smiled. "Have a good night."

"Same to you guys," the man said with a smile. "Bye, Y/n."

"Bye," I waved as he exited the studio, leaving Camila and I alone.

Camila let out an exhausted sigh as she fell onto the couch next to me and leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Tired, love?" I asked, kissing her forehead.

She nodded and kissed my collar before sitting up.

"We're almost finished," she said with a smile as she faced me.

"I know," I giggled, playing with her fingers.

"They're already booking arenas. Roger called me earlier to ask about adding a few cities to the schedule from last year."

"How many are they looking to add?" I asked her.

The last tour lasted almost a year as it was, so adding dates would obviously mean an even longer tour.

"They aren't sure yet. They still have to work out a few details, but he said it'll probably add a month or two in total."

"You can handle that, right?" I asked her, knowing my expression was worrisome.

I saw how exhausted she was at the end of the last tour, so knowing this one would be longer did worry me a little.

"Yea, I'll be fine," she smiled reassuringly. "He made it clear that the shows would be more spaced out and I'd get more off days in between. They're making my health their top priority."

"Okay, good," I nodded.

It was about time they started caring about not only her physical health, but her mental health as well.

"What about you?" She asked, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"You still want to come along as my photographer, right?"

I smiled at her question.

"Of course I do," I giggled. "Besides, it's my job. Did I really have a choice?"

I said that last part as a joke, but the way she furrowed her eyebrows showed me that she might not have taken it that way.

"You do have a choice," she spoke more seriously. "You know that, right? You don't have come if you don't want to. You can always take a break and do your own thing here in LA, or join me at a later date if you change your mind."

"Camila, I was kidding," I said, cupping her cheeks to get her to stop rambling. "I know I have a choice. I want to come along and be with you."

"I'm just making sure," she said, looking down in embarrassment.

I giggled before putting a finger under her chin and connecting our lips.

"Thank you for thinking about me," I mumbled against her lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she said with a smile. "Can we go get some food? I'm starving."

I laughed as I pushed her away.

"Way to ruin the moment," I joked as I stood up.

"A girl's got to eat," she shrugged, playfully smacking my ass before running out the door.

I laughed as I chased after her.

Oh, it's on.

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