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Your POV

2 Weeks Later

"How's it been making solo music?" I asked the girl across from me as I passed the blunt I had just hit back to her.

Lauren had texted me earlier and asked if I wanted to come hang out with her in the studio. I had given her some advice on a few songs she was working on, but other than that we were just chilling.

Somehow we ended up smoking and from there we just fell into conversation naturally.

"It's been fucking amazing," she smiled as she took the blunt from my fingertips.

She paused to inhale the smoke, holding it for a second before letting it float to the ceiling.

"Don't get me wrong. I do miss being around the girls, but being able to control the music I put out is so special."

I smiled as she talked before taking another hit and passing the blunt back to me.

"I'm really happy for you," I said honestly before bringing the blunt to my lips and taking a deep breath.

I was already high, but one more hit wasn't going to kill me.

"Thank you," she smiled. "So, what's going on with you and that girl?"

"Me and what girl?" I asked, ashing the blunt before passing it back to her.

"Don't play dumb," she chuckled. "The girl you were with at the award show."

She took one more hit before putting out the roach in the ash tray that was sitting on the desk.

"Oh, Veronica?" I asked, watching her nod. "We're just friends."

Lauren's eyebrows rose in my direction as if she didn't believe me.

"I'm serious," I laughed. "She originally wanted to be more, but at the time I just wasn't ready for that. Ever since we've just been really good friends and I think we're going to keep it that way."

"So, a very attractive girl wanted to be more than friends with you and you told her no?" Lauren asked me, leaning forward slightly.


"You're an idiot," she laughed as she stood up to come take a seat next to me on the couch.

"Why does that make me an idiot?" I asked with a laugh of my own.

"She's hot," Lauren shrugged.

"Yea, I know," I told her. "But like I said at the time I just wasn't into it."

"So, that means you're like... single?" The girl in front of me asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Is she asking for herself or a friend?

"Yea, that means I'm like... single," I mocked, making her roll her big, green eyes.

"Shut up," she giggled.

"Make me," I mumbled, not knowing that she heard me until I realized she had stopped laughing.

"Maybe I should," she mumbled back.

I don't know if it was because we were both high, or if this was something that had been brewing for a while. Honestly, probably both.

"Then do it," I said.

Her eyes shot up to mine, scanning to see if I was being serious. She seemed to pick up that I was fairly quickly, because within a second she was leaning in and our lips were interlocked.

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