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Your POV

I giggled when Camila snuggled into my neck and placed a kiss there.

"Stop," I told the girl. "That tickles."

"I don't care," she told me, continuing to place kisses on my neck.

We were currently in Boston, but today was an off day so Camila and I were watching a movie. She had slept in this morning, which was something she wasn't used to being able to do. That was why she had so much energy right now.

"You're missing the movie," I laughed out pushing her away from my neck so she would stop tickling me.

"Fine," she said with a small smile, leaning back in the bed and focusing back on the screen.

I heard my phone go off but I didn't think much of it, keeping my eyes on the screen. It went off a second time but I continued to ignore it.

"Are you gonna get that?" Camila asked me, picking up my phone to hand it to me.

"Who is it?" I asked her, not looking away from the screen.

"Lauren..." Camila trailed off, using her fingerprint to open my phone.

I didn't think anything of it at first, but then my eyes widened. Lauren could be messaging me about anything.

"Is this the Lauren I think it is?" Camila asked me, and the seriousness in her tone made me cringe. "Why is she asking if you're in LA and want to hang out?"

"Uh... yea that's Lauren Jauregui. I don't know why she's asking to hang out," I told her, trying to play it off.

"I think I might know why she's asking," Camila said with an attitude, and then I realized she had scrolled a little and read our messages.

I hadn't talked to Lauren in months, but I knew some of the things that were said over iMessage in the past.

"Okay, that's enough," I said, snatching my phone out of her hand.

"When did you and her get so close?" Camila asked, a hint of jealousy in her tone as she backed away from me and paused the movie.

"I ran into her at an award show I went to with Veronica a while back," I explained honestly. "We exchanged numbers and hung out a few times."

"Hung out?" Camila asked with a raised eyebrow, and I knew what she was insinuating.

I mean, she was right, but she didn't need to know that.

"Yea... we hung out. Why does it matter? That was months ago," I said with an irritated tone.

I was beginning to lose my patience because Camila really had no reason to be starting an argument about this. It's not like we were dating whenever Lauren and I were hanging out. I mean, we weren't even on speaking terms at that time.

"It matters because she's still texting you," Camila said, crossing her arms.

"Camila, all she asked was if I was in LA and wanted to hang out. What's so wrong about that?" I asked her.

"Oh, come on Y/n. Tell me that wasn't a booty call. I always knew she had a thing for you, but I didn't think she'd ever go for it. What happened to girl code?" Camila rambled. "And after reading those messages I know something happened."

I let out a loud sigh as I ran a hand over my face. She wasn't going to let this shit go if she didn't hear the truth. So, if she wanted the truth, I'd give it to her.

"Alright, Camila. Yea, Lauren and I had a little fling. It was a couple months ago, long before you and I started trying again. Is that all you want to hear, or would you like details?"

That last part really wasn't necessary but I was irritated.

"Are you rubbing it in my face?" Camila asked with raised eyebrows.

"Of course not, Camila," I scoffed. "I'm just irritated because it was months ago and there's no reason for you to be getting upset about it. You can read the messages. We haven't talked in months."

I tossed my phone back in front of her and she glanced at it.

"Block her."

"Camila, I'm not blocking her. She's still my friend. I'll make it very clear I'm back together with you," I told her, a little thrown that she even said that.

"Fine," she told me, turning back to the tv and unpausing the movie.

"Are you serious right now? You're actually mad about this?" I asked her.

I grabbed the remote and paused the movie again when I didn't get an answer.

"Stop," she told me, trying to take the remote back. "Unpause it."

"No," I told her. "Not until you stop being upset."

"I'm not upset," she mumbled, picking up her phone and going on twitter.

I honestly couldn't be bothered to fight with her about this anymore. I unpaused the movie and threw the remote on the bed before standing up and putting my shoes on.

"Where are you going?" Camila asked, furrowing her eyebrows as she watched me grab a couple things.

"I don't know," I shrugged honestly before walking out of the hotel room.

I really didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't be in that room anymore.

I needed to cool off.

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