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Your POV

I turned over in bed, slowly becoming conscious again and feeling the pounding that was currently going on in my head.

I groaned, rubbing at my temples as I opened my eyes. I was not in my bed.


I realized where I was almost immediantly and the events from the night before came rushing back to me.

I remembered the award show and the after party. I remembered drinking way too much and then dialing a certain someone's number.

She must hate me.

I literally insulted her, blew her off, and then called her to come rescue me at three in the morning.

I would hate me.

I heard footsteps getting closer to the bedroom before the door swung open and Camila walked in with a coffee and advil.

"Goodmorning, sunshine," she smiled, walking over to me and placing the coffee and advil on the night stand. "How are you feeling?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Okay, maybe she didn't hate me.

"My head hurts," I mumbled.

She nodded and popped two advil out of the container before handing them to me along with the coffee. I took the medicine and kept the coffee in my hands to sip on it.

"I'm sorry for calling you," I told her.

"Don't be, love," she said as she sat next to me.


My heart fluttered at the use of the old nickname, but why was she being so nice to me. Last thing I remember was her picking me up and then.. oh, shit. The conversation we had last night before bed came rushing back to me.

"Are you alright?" Camila asked, taking one of my hands. "You seem more distant than you were last night."

"I just... I don't remember much," I told her.

She looked a little disappointed at my statement.

"I do kind of remember our talk," I said, gaining her attention. "I remember you telling me not to worry about it and that we could talk later."

"Is now later?" She asked me, and as hesistant as I was about it, I nodded.

"Well, where do I start?"

"How about you explain why you broke up with me in the first place," I said.

I couldn't help the sass that laced my voice. I was still pretty upset about never getting a real explanation about the whole situation.

"Okay, yeah. I'll start there," she let out a sigh before continuing. "I broke up with you when I was in Italy, right?"

"What does the city you were in at the time have to do with-"

"Just listen," she cut me off. "I broke up with you when we were doing a show in Italy. I was halfway across the world."

I nodded, still not seeing where she was going with this.

"You had called me crying the night before because you had gotten a bad grade on an exam," she continued.

I remember that. I had studied my ass off for a week and still barely pulled off a C on that exam. I was so mad I was in tears and I called Camila right after she had finished a show. She tried to calm me down and I ended up falling asleep on the phone because of how exhausted I was.

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